today, Saturday 3rd is her second chemo. no anesthetic involved.
just an injection on her butt. hehe.
and as usual,
no cry cry. at all.
terorr kaaan. yeeeey.
Yana is still going on.
very strong.
after chemo mcm biase lah. she will vomit sume.
no. Yana punye rambut tak gugur lagi. banyak lagi.
but theres something that almost burst me to tears.
the way she walks.
kak Leen said mmg mcm tu. the way she walks mmg different.
ntah la. tataw nk describe mcm mane. mmg lain.
tehencut kot. ntah.
kesian sgt. tengok dia jalan mcm tu.
haih. takpe la.
at least she can walk.
oh. heres some pics of her.
but, she can not walk far from her bed.
before I forgot.
Yana can not easily mix around with other people.
due to her chemo, her antibody mmg sgt sgt low.
so, she is easily effected by viruses or kuman or whatsover lah.
p/s : Qayyum, that boy sebelah Yana's bed to dh moved to another bed sbb dia kne infection. some part of his body bengkak-bengkak. haih.
9 extra blabbing on "Day 10, 11 and 12"
very strong kid she is.
may Allah bless her..:l
=.= kalau yum BESAR yang bengkak2, tatawu nk ckp ape. bwahahahahaha
ok saya da jadi wacko sbb final xm
Thanx Syaa :)
Izza ;
=)) =)) =))
hahahaha. ngengg
she's strong.
let's pray that she'll get better soon. she deserve it.
poor little girl..
harap yana cpt sembuh n ceria mcm dulu
akak doakan yana cepat sembuh yerkk..u take care yerk mira..
she's soo cute and she's strong...
hope everything's going to be just fine.... insyaallahh......
hope yana will get better n gile2 macam dulu^^
walaupon yana panggil aku gigi gongak (actually bracess~~), die tetap pujaan hatiku:P
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