Daniel told me that Chin kept on ngadu2 kt dia, told him that she missed me so much. Whenever she's alone, dia amek henfon dia en, thn dia bce blek mesej lame2 that I send to her. haha. tuh dh rindu melampau tu nyah. but no worries, I miss you too okayyy. tuh la, dlu bkn maen, kate nk bli web cam la, nnt aku kt Aussie, mlm2 bule webcam dgn aku, then hampeh. Computer rosak. wawawa. ape daaa. :D
but neway, Chin sibok2 jugak nk ajk kuar, nk jmp. lepas rindu. haha. okay fine. I have to cancel my driving class, so that I can go out with her (baik kaaaaaan? :D) Thank to kakak Chin, Lily yg susah payah hntr kitorng pgi LRT BTR. When we arrived, Daniel pon dh smpai, so kitorng pon tros la gerak. Tp en, I was like a bit pissed off taw. entah kenape la plak, pg smlm, my fther pgi keje bwk kete, tak dpt la nk curik touch n go dia. waaaa. malas nye nk brator bli tiket. grr. tp en, nsib baik la si Daniel pon tak pkai touch n go, so bratur la same2 bli tcket dgn dia. yey. ade gang. haha. but you knw, theres a funny thing bout it, mase dkt LRT BTR tuh, brator la bli tcket taw. We wanted to go to Pavillion. tgk wyg kt sne (kt sne wyg takde orng. senang sket), so brator2 en, bli la tckt kt onrg tu, and you knw wht i told the guy, "bkt bntang 2" haha. tak ke bodo name nye. mne ade station bkt bntng, ckp la station hang tuah. haha. later on, kne bahan la. haha. bru 10days ke Aussie, dh tataw plak nk bli tckt kt LRT, smpai ckp station bkt bntg. parah btol tuh. haha.
Lepas, dh hbes tgk wyg, lpk2 la kejap. then I called our other friend yg keje kt Pavilion, Nieta (dia keje kt Parkson) she said she's at food court, lnch with her mom. We walked to food court but bfre that we stopped by at the J.Co donut, Chin sbok nk donut (I just found out that one dozen = 24. oOoooOO). lepak2 ngn Nieta, haha. I miss pompuan nie, lame btol tak jmp dia, and again, bodo lg. tak amik gmbr. Grr ( aku rse aku ble dh lupe drtan, dh excited tak sedar dri, msti lupe nk snap taw. eyyy. nk kne jd habit la snap gmbr ni ): ).bfre kuar, jmp plak lg sorng kwn, Has, he worked at the Aldo boutiques, yea the men's attire. jmp, smbang2. pgi la tgk kt entrance, skali nk kua pi area bntang walk sane tak bule, hujan lebat bgai. ayoyo. so. kitorng lpk je la at the famous stairs of Pavilion. (alaaaa. tngge yg bsar kt entrance tu la) lpk2, smpai la hujan reda.
that is Daniel, stop it la. he is sooo not my type. haha. why? ada aarr. kan Daniel kaaan? haha. I really love Daniel's tshrt, frm Topman, its plain but really eye-catching. dgn red color, really reminds me of the famous blogger, RedMummy. and for me, yes yes, I'm wearing the ILoveAus tshrt frm Billabong, gift frm kak Mariah. haha. still in mood of Aussie la doww. :D (sila sila menyampah dan kate la sy poyo. haha) and you know I really noticed bout yesterday, there is a LOT of bapok. byk giler weyyy. I tak brani nk curik2 snap pic, kang sia2 je kene serang, You know la bapok ni kn mcm agresive sket lgi2 klo yg pondan. walaweyy, mulot nauzzubillah btol en. Yesterday, I saw bapok, pondan and even yg on the way nk jd pondan or even bapok pon ade. haha. And I also noticed that the bapok new type of style is wearing the kain haji tuh. haha. alaaa. kaen yg mcm slalu pak imam masjid or tok bilal surau pakai lilit kt kple tuh. haaa. yg tuh la. lilit kt leher, knon mcm skaf. alaaaa.. I know, they all wanted to copy frm the Indonesian band, Nidji, vox that band (lupe name) always wear mcm tuh jgk. oooooh, malaysian, such a copy cat (I bkn okay, I just follow the fashion trend :DD)
So, as soon hujan dh mcm reda, kami begerak ke BB Bistro, lepak2 distu. on the way ke sane, we met Acap, also our skool mate (he worked at the San Franscisco Coffee, cute but taken. haha. tak sngke aku market ko dlm blog aku thn ckp ko cute pulak tuh. eeeewwww! ) kami pon jln2 la ke BB Bistro, lpk sane. dtg la my other friend, Has (yg keje kt Aldo tuh) the Pidot ( dia keje kt Aldo, branch Times Sq). lepak situ, si Pidot rmbut mohawk giler tp kitorng pngil trojan. haha. and once again, shit part. I DIDNT SNAP ANY PHOTO. shit shit shit. gooooooosh. I really nedd to set my brain la, kuar amek gmbr. grr. lepak situ lame coz hujan lbt gilerrrrrrrrr. tp kitorng redah jgk coz dh lmbt. I hve to get home before mghrb.
Then, start la our journey nk blik rumah. redah hujan sume. the besesak giler2 babi pnye dlm train, thn tgg taxi blek rumah.waaaaaa...penat nye. smpai pon dlm 8somethin. haha. nsib mak tak marah, dia taw hujan . yeye.
3 extra blabbing on "A day with Them"
X abih2 berjln...
i do..i do.. i do...
i do read ur blog babe. i peminat setia blog u. ahha.
waaaaah. korang salah post cmnt lah. ape daaa..
thanx anyway :DD
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