hujan tade la lebat sangat pon, tp tu lah bende nak jadi kan. nak buat camno.
nasib Bambi tade injured sgt taw, jst dkt bumbung la, benjol.
eh, bukan. kemek. hehhe.
luckily cermin depan tak pecah. tp kemek kt bumbung tu besaaar la jugak.
kalau orang tataw, orang mst ingt ade batu besar jatuh atas bumbung tu.
tetibe dgr kak leen jerit, "Yaaaaaa. kete kene himpap pokoooooook!".
I was like, "huuuuh".
keluar rumah, teros la nampak. I was like, "ow dem".
kak Leen pulak, "cepat cepat. amik gambar amik gambar. cepaaaat".
aku pon teros masuk dalam amik shotgun. haha. itu yang fenting.
and the uncle uncle was like, "we lift the tree, you reverse your car"
aku pon, "okay okay". I ran inside get my keys.
I cannot masuk from the drivers seat, kene masuk through passenger.
Uncle said, "whenever you're ready".
I'm like, "okay. now now. ready".
"when we said okay, you moove your car". "okayy".
sooo, they lift the tree up, and I quickly reversed the car. fuuyh.
settle :)
"ape yang penting, KERJESAME !". haha.
aku pon join lah, "wonderpek wonderpek, kami dataaaaang".
nasi goreng pon dh siap, aku melantak.
lapaaaau weh lapaaaaau. hahaha.
oh Bambi, camno nk pgi college.
chop, papiiiiiii. nanti tolong jadi supeer I eh. hehehe
*blink blink eyes :DDDD*
Bambi, I'm sorrryyy..
p/s : kejadian berlaku pada pukul 1815 hours, waktu Malaysia.
9 extra blabbing on "breaking news"
kemek je ke?
yang lain oke?
yeaaa. jst kemek.
everything else is fine.
amiiin :)
Tak dpt la aku nak merasa menumpang Bambi.
Ada petanda tu Mira.
Ada tu.
Ada tuuuuuuuuuuu.
Mesti ada.
Bayangkan Bambi tu yang u nak sgt tuuuuuuuuuuu.
:D :D
*aku dah menyetan*
Wonderpek tu sangat lucah okehh!
:D :D
petande ape nyeee. haha.
takpe la, ade hikmat disebaliknyee. chewaaaaah :DDD
choy. wonderpek.
tolong jgn fkir lain. HA HA HA
tak memasal tahniah :))
ceit. tagune betol.
god. sian bambi.
kan kan kan. adooyh.
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