click and let it load :)
on Friday evening, tengah aku sunggoh sunggoh nak update blog kan, tetibe je dgr gate dpn mcm ade orng bukak.
aku intai kt sliding door, nampak si Ady, "MAMIIIIII !".
hahahahahahahaha. ngengg. he looks so cute in some way, eewww. pffttt ;D
he came together wth Chin, of course la. Chin datang bwk nasi lemak BRJ for my lunch. heeee, thank youuuu ;)
and everything started. haha. the vlog, the position, prasan Tok 'Ti. the karaokee.
haha. memacam lah. its sooo funnyy man.
we were singing like hell doww. haha. masing masing fulus tade nak pgi karaoke, end up bukak youtube and sing our heart out.
you guys should hear Ady sang. funyy maaan. he was singing like theres no tomorrow, dah la lagu sume tabule blaaaah. haha
and Chin was like off tempo all the time. bile Chin nyanyi skali je, msti lagu jd lain. haha. camno tu nyah. hardcore mmg gitu yeh? :P
and me, haha. they said I sang like nigga. demyu. haha. siot baaaai.
I'm soo sure my neibor kiri kanan, blakang mmg dgr kuat giler aar. haha.
lagi kuat kitorang nyanyi, hujan pon makin lebat yee. haha. aiyooo, gitu laaa.
watch the vlog above.
oh. my warning,
; those who using headphone, make sure your hand ready at the volume button
; those yg gune speaker, make sure tade orang lain kt situ.
that v-log is friggin loud maaan.
I warn you now ;p
8 extra blabbing on "threesome ;p"
guna wimax bkk redtube xde buffering ok,cubalah wakaki
word verification - keding (xley blah)
OMG.ur friend in gray,SHE LOOKS LIKE MY FRIEND.really O_O
ou yeahh??
kim slm kt dye..
i like lah the v-log..
ssin right?
thanx for the tips..
nnt i try..
ssin ;
teeeeeeeet. i tataw ;p
iman ;
ow yeh. mybe she is your friend ;)
teddy ;
duuh. you condemn yourself looks cute in it.
its like, eewww. HA HA HA
chin u kene doe cuba pakai wimax,seronokkkkkk jer xde buffering.hahahaha gila mengajar
ssin ;
nnt i try oke..
wtf ady do that position..
ady gle sex..haha!!
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