March 16, 2009

carita hari Sabtu pula

blabbed by Amira Zafirah at 3/16/2009 06:37:00 PM
setelah puas tido bangun tido bangun tido bangun.
finally I woke up at 10 am. hehhe.
called Chin, Ady and Arie to wake them up. sume dah bangun except Chin. duh. haha

Chin fetched Ady at his house and came over to mine. parked her car and left using my bambi. off to lrt BTS to fetched Arie, whose all the way from Kajang.

first stop is Jusco AU2. Chin nak jumpe her classmate and talked about their assignment for the holiday. deeem. jalan jam siak. BAhaaaaaaBI gitu kaaaaan. all the wayy man. lenguh kaki siak. grrr.
Arie received his birthday present in the car. I bought him Zara's boxer :D

sesampai kt Jusco, Chin's friend was already there. lepak lepak. end up me and Ady was soooo dem hungry. so, we bought Tako Tao. haha. nak tunggu Chin mcm lame je. lapa baaai.
after Chin is done wth her assignment thingy, we went straight to Oldtown. Chin rindu yg hamat same Oldtown nyee. lepak lepak lepak, makan makan makan, gelak gelak gelak. we're off to KLCC.
for the first time ever, aku park kete kt luar baaai. haha. fuyyyooo. haha. motiff, parking mahal doww. mcm tak sanggup je nak spend duit yg sikit ni kt parking fees. like, eeeewww. no wayy. haha. so, parked la kt area taman tu, and we walked to KLCC. hehe. mcm best je pulak. heee, nxt time nak parked situ lah. tp, kalo hujan, nayooo tabule balik. haha.

*ape kitorang buat first first eh. lupe. huwm*

ooh. teros pgi toilet. haha. Chin nak sheee sheeee. haha. motiff je kan nak cite kat sini. tunggu Chin lame woo. ape ntah dia buat. toilet ramai orng kot. aku tunggu kat luar and cam whore with the guys. hehe. sbb tu aku mcm takesah je Chin lelame dlm toilet ;p
sesungguh Arie tundok. hahahaa haa haa. sape tuuu? HA HA HA =))

next stop, wayaaaang. nak tengok wayaaaaang. haha.
tetibe, Chin tenampak pulak ex-shoolmate kitorng, Murali *finally, aku ingt name dia !. haha* and Arie pon jmp jgk ex-shoolmate dia. gooosh. serombongan kot kt KLCC kawan kawan si Arie. haha. end up, me and Ady que-up for the ticket. we deciced to watch Street Fighter. hehe. sebab movie ni je mcm perfect timing sbb kitorang nak balik awal. ticket settle.

next stop, Kinokuniya. sejak sejak kawan dgn bdk bdk art, bdk graphic, bdk fashion ni kan, tade deeee nak round round Kino kt bwh, teros naik tangge pgi section kt atas. hahaha. waaaah. gitu la kaaaan. aku bdk bisnes, ngekooor je lah. HA HA HA.

then, we're off to food court. wooah. kt sini best. sesi mengutok, haha. bule ? syook woo. cari tempat strategic then tengok tengok orang, critic. haha. gile perangai keji en. haha. I knoww. okay, fine. I admit, I was the most keji-est skali okay. haha. kutok agak tak behengat jugak laaa.
ooh. Arie dropped the whole box of cuppies. haha. gone baby gone. but, he licked all of the icing on the lid. goosh. is THAT goood eh? hehhhe *muke gatal*

tengok tengok jam, waaah. cukop timing sudaa. off to wayang. hehe. you know what, panggung dia kecik gile kott. haha. like, alaaaa, kecik nye la hai. mcm tgk kt rumah je. haha. nampak nau cite street fighter tu mcm tak laku dah kan. haha. gitu la nook. tp takpe, layaaaan. tak ramai orng, senang sikit.

done with wayang, teros balik. jauh perjalanan okay. hantar Arie sampai Kajang.
and you know what, jalan all the way JAM. BahaaaaaBi je nyaaaah. gooosh. cramp kaki aku. haha. but it was okay, cause we had sooo much fun in the car. haha. well, at least me and Ady did, Chin I dunno lah. seems like her sense of humor had faded awayy. nyah, kau ni kenapeee? yenna baaai. haha. the best part is, hehe. I dunno what she and Arie talked about at the back, but I saw Arie wanted to put mascara on Chin's. when I saw Arie starting to put mascara on Chin, I immediately break emergency. HA HA HA. okay okay okay. Chin was soo fucking pissed off, she said it was sooo not funny. but me and Ady was laughing our ass off. but, when we know that she pissed, we stopped laughing anyway. well, I still laughed. hehhe.

because the jam was soo sooo sooo fakap, we cam-whored a lot in the car
waaaah. syook gitu aku tempek gambar bebanyak kat sni. tonight line tenet mak laju nyah. haha

he is not gonna be with me this whole week. kekasih hati pengerang jantung dia suda balik seyy. hiks ;p

sampai rumah almost 8pm mcm tu. aku nak makaaan sbb kt Oldtown tak mkn ape sgt, and mase kt foodcourt pon minom air je. Chin balik teros sbb nak dinner with her family. so, Ady teman me for dinner. headed to BRJ for nasi lemak ayam. terbaaaeek ! haha. sebab dh lapa sangat kan.

malam, konon nak tengok AF but I slept all the wayy. haha. ngantook. kate pon Friday night tu balik 'awal' sangat en. bangun pon awal je kott. so, malam teros kong. plan mmg nak lepak dgn Pole sume lgi, but then, Chin tadapat kuar sbb bapak dia dh kunci gate. hehhe. Ady pon same jugak, and aku pon nak tidooooo.

eh. Man-U kalah to Liverpool.
4-1 baaai.
O to the M to the G ; OMG
hahahaha. dahsyat wooo.

p/s : Arie will be leaving for PLKN this March 19th. demit ;(

3 extra blabbing on "carita hari Sabtu pula"

Dancer on March 16, 2009 at 10:28 PM said...

pictures chantek2 kt entry ni. me likey :)

Faizul on March 17, 2009 at 12:36 AM said...

owh BIRTHDAY BOY dpat date dgn MIRA...hahah!!

Amira Zafirah on March 17, 2009 at 2:25 PM said...

izza ;
ape yg cantek nye nyah ooi ;)

jijoy ;
its birthday boySSS ye. haha

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