my Costing test SUCKS TO THE MAX okayyy ! confirm fail.
vavik laaaaa. kluar question yang tapenah langsung aku buat, like, what the jadah.
a night before I was studying like shit, until 530am kott bru tido. well, until 3 sumtin je, the rest was busy crapping with Oya and texting people. haha. but, still !
and to made things worse, iye iye ni aku menghafal formula Contract Costing, lepastu kaaaaaaaaaan, paling vodoo nye. kalau dh hafal formula pon, tp tataw nk letak kat mane, tagune jugak kan. NGENGG weh NGENGG ! how can I eveeer forgive myself. haih :(
so, balik hostel, pack pack barang sume. teros la balik rumah.
and as usual, the house was empty. my parents tade, pgi mane ntah. that evening dh promise Ady nak tengok wayang. Confession of a Shopaholic. luckily he was willingly nak teman, kalau tak. mmg aku meratap hiba la kaaan.
janji 1245, but then tadee pon. I text him, then dia call at like 1pm something
Ady : mami. I nak kuar umah. you dh siap?
Mira : I dah siap lameeee dah.
Ady : oh. erk. okay okay. I dtg skrang.
around 10mins later, he arrived.
oh ! since Ady dh pandai bwk kete, senaaaaaaaaaaang hidup aku nyah. hahaha. skarang kalau nak pi mane mane, Ady came and pick me up. hehhe. tapayah aku drive lagi. yeeeeey.
papi, its payback time ! muaaahahahahaha :D
sesampai kt Jusco, teros beli ticket. wayang at 2pm. still got time maaah. jalan jalan jalan.
ooow. I had Tako Balls ! yeeeeeey. I craaaave for tako balls for like so loong okay.
bak kate Ady, nak makan tp tade kawan. HA HA HA. alasan terbaeeek punye.
lepak lepak jap, then we're off to wayang.
that movie not bad lah. funny okayy. Ady was really really laughing until I was like "you ni kenapeee?". haha. gelak sakan kau nyah. tabule blaaaaah.
the objective of that movie is sooo good. sesape yang reallly likes to shop using their credit cards should watch this movie. haha.
done with movie sume. as usual, toileeeet dimanakah engkauuu. haha.
mase aku kuar toilet, tetibe Ady was like "eh. my dad !"
then terrooooos dia pgi kt bapak dia. I was like HUH?! ngenggg oooow. aku jalan mencicit je kt blakang dia. choyyy sgt kan. bapak weyy, kalau mak dia aku takesah. cause its mom kan. senang nak mingle, ini bapak. fuuyh.
aku pon mcm jauh jauh gitu je. haha. senyum senyum je lah. lepas tu, aku terrooooos ajk Ady blah. haha. kite makan kt tempat lain lah ye. selamaat sikit ;p
pastu, we're off to Damai Perdana. actually we're like tataw nak kemane. haha. nak balik malas, nak drive jauh jauh pon malas, sume la malas. bule?
end up. dh smpai Damai Perdana, park kete pastu kite lepak dlm kete je. haha. aku sakat Ady, dia sakat aku.
ngutok ngutok, perli perli, gado gado, emo emo, marah marah. segalanye lah.
actually, both of us were stressed. I was soooo stressed with my dem test and Ady was stress about something that cannot be mentioned here. so, gitu la. kami pon meng-chill kan diri sendiri with each other.
finally, pgi jgk mkn kt this one kedai, then baliiik :)
p/s : first time jugee, kami tiada gambar berdua. haha. bosan ah. asek asek gambar dalam kete. pfftttt :D
3 extra blabbing on "cine fentau :P"
best nyer hangout.
i busan kot
tak kua mne2 pun.
aawww. ajk your friends kuar somewhre somewhere laaa ;p
p/s : I cannot view your blog la. nnt PC I tros hang. dunno why ;(
wahwah..sape ur fren kt uniten uniten kt phg la yg..bkn kt putrajaya tuu..huhu
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