I took the cake from the fridge.
I place it on the box.
I placed the candle, I lighted it.
I blowed it.
thanx to kak Leen, I forced her to snap some photos.
yup, unlike my last 2 years birthday, I had been surprised by them. They brought the cakes, they payed for what I ordered, they forced me to blow the candles, they busy snapping the photos.
Mereka suap saya makan :]
eh. kan dh promised myself jangan ingat semua tu, nanti emosi
* cracked smile *
Aiman ade, dia teman kan. yeay :))siapa kate kalau sedih mesti kene nangis, tade la. jadi gile mcm tu pun bule taaw :P
LilyLotus, suke word ni kan, I captured this for you :)
Betul lah kate orang, everything mesti ade Pros and Cons.
for this year, I have everyTHING that I wanted.
but, I dont have everyPEOPLE that I wanted.
*senyum lagi*
0 extra blabbing on "tiap hari sayang"
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