I talked to her, making jokes and she told me that I'm hyper. truth is, I'm sad la yang. The moment I saw you, I felt like crying okay. But, no. No way, I'm not gonna cry. I see you next month. So, lets make jokes :D I stared at her face for so long until she confess that I annoyed her. hah ! I dont care. The next time I annoy you is next month okay. HA HA HA :DD
After she done wth the invitation card thingy, which I helped a bit. ye la. I tolong tampal stamp taw :P We went upstairs. gooosh. She really didnt finish packing yet. A lot of stuffs are still messing around here and there. ayoyo. Alia oooy. camana ni. mmg you tanak pgi eh?
so, where the heck is she going? next entry lah yee :)
0 extra blabbing on "alaaa :("
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