I dont care if I never see you again, I'll be alright
- Goodbye, Kristinia DeBarge
fuyh. what a looooooong day today.
woke up at erk, 815am I think, friggin I'm late. berry doesnt alarm me, blame myself I supposed, forgot to scroll on alarm mode. choyyy. thanks Mak for waking me up, as usual.
and sorry Luqman, your 7miscall doesnt wake me up, blame berry for that. haha.
siap siap siap segala jadah. off to Bangi.
today is registration dayyyy for my 3rd semester. ngaaahahaha. tu ar shite die.
everything went well, catch a glimpse of my juniors. huwm. in some way, they look old. hahaha. I dunno whyy.
rushed back home. I have one box of cupcakes that need to be deco's and deliver.
I do it as fast as I can cause time a factor todayy. chewaaaaah, ingt kau donald trump. hahaha.
siap segala jadah, Ady called. he's on his way back with danang, they went to this one print shop somewhere in Melawati. Ady said he can teman me to deliver the cuppies.
about half and hour after that, both of them arrived at my house.
chit chat for a while, tuka baju sume, left house
and went straight to menara Citibank, jalan ampang.
deliver la cuppies kt akak yg order, dia keje kt building tu.
worritee, next stop.
KLCC bebeyh. hahahaha.
motiff ke KLCC adalah untuk meng-configure berry.
but before head on to the maxis centre, kite pelahap dlu. lapaaaaau nyah lapaaaau. mak tak makan since malam semalam nye taw. haaaa, tu ar shite die. haha.
head on to food court, think hard of what to eat.
tetibe, selang 2 table from us, nampak si ARIE !
oh-em-geee, mak lame tak jumpe kau nyah, ahahhahaa. its like been ages since the last time I met him. awww, besar dh anak mak ni kan. heee, fishy fishy, sharky sharky. haha
Dann, stop laughing. hahahaha ;p
puas pelahap segala, head on to maxis centre. di sini sy agak bengang ye tawan tawan. grrr
citenye gini,
mase kt rumah lg, aku dh call taw maxis hotline tu, nk tnye how to configure berry ni sbb I used fixed line taw. but then, my fixed line ni is under Baba, kire tiap tiap bulan Baba bayar la. ntah ape ntah name plan nye.
so, kalau kite nk configure berry ni, kite kene add on at least rm40 every month for the internet services. disebabkan line ni under name baba, I cannot simply configure je lah, I need authorization from baba. so, bile aku call maxis hotline ni, dia kate takpe, pgi je kt maxis centre and from there, they will call baba and like confirm bout the authorization la.
okay la, fine. senang keje aku en.
skali bile aku pgi, dh siap amik no sume ni taw, tgg turn la en. then, bile dh smpai my turn, pgi la kt this one counter. pastu aku pon explain la kejadah nk configure berry ni ape sume.
pastu en, dia kate tabuleeeee. sbb dia still nk authorization from Baba. aku ckp la, yg jst call him and let him know tht his daughter bla bla bla, pastu dia kata tabule. he need an authorization letter or baba have to come with me and do that. aku dh mcm, hekellleeeeh, tadi kate buleee.
choyyy kau nyah, choyyyy. sabaaau je la. dh la mamat yg entertained aku tu sepatah haram tak cakap melayu, ntah orng ape ntah. nak kate orng cine, mcm lain la pulak, indian lg la bukan, melayu, hell no. orng sabah serawak kott. bule pulak en dia pung pang pung pang speaking dgn aku, aku pon ping pong ping pong nk mendengoo. pastu, kene la pong peng pong peng nak ckp balik dgn dia. goooosh.
in the end, he jst registered my berry je. so, I already have the berry email sume la, jst the service je tade. pastu, aku tnye la pasal my memory card yg tabule read, then dia kate kene format. then aku cam, 'ow, can you do that for me?". dia cakap tabule, I need to do that by myself. choyyy lagi. mmg puas la en aku menggodek berry tu. grrrr.
so now, next mission is to bwk baba direct pg maxis centre, tp sumpa aku malaaaaaaaaaaaas sbb, baba akan tanye mcm2 bende, and bile kite explain, sepatah haram dia tak fhm.
lagiii la choyyy kan. baba ni mmg, blind IT sikit *sile translate melayu kalau tak fhm*
so, penat je explain segala jadah, kalau kosep pon dia tak fhm camno en. grrr
stress mak stressss.
jadi, menghilang kn stress, kite window shoppiiinggg. hahaha.
sile la percaya, I didnt buy anything weyyy, anythinggggg ! *haaaaaaaaaa leluyah* hahaha
Dann bought shoes from Zara, I chose it for him, awwwwww. mak likey likey noook, i bet fishy fishy you mesti lagi sokeee okay. uuuuuwwww, sharky sharky.
pastu, dh penat jalan sume, balik la kamii.
jalan tak jam lagi, heaven sungguh. seronoook. Ady pemalaaaaaaaaaas, bwk kete dia tp tanak drive. so, I had to drive all the wayy. grrrr, sabau je laaa.
sampai rumah, online online, bla bla bla.
and I slept. hahaha. whaaaaat?
I only slept for 4hrs je taw a night before tu. haaa, kesian kt mak nyah. hahaha.
taw taw je, mak kejot kan, ajak pgi rumah mak kak Nana kt Keramat. saje nk pgi jumpe besan eeeh. mak cik tu dgn anak2 dia yg lain nk pgi umrah esok. sebabkan mak tak dapat nk hntar diaorng kt airport, tu yg mak nak sgt jmp diaorng mlm ni jgk.
aku yg tgh syok syok gile tido tu en, tepakse la bangun, siap siap nak pgi Keramat.
but then, I was like, lapaaaaaaaaaaaa. ye ar, KLCC pon mkn char kuey teow je kott. gggrrrr.
sampai rumah sane, mereka pon borak borak sakan la. sumpa aku mcm tade mood. hahaha. bru bgn tidooo kott. what do you expect??? yg aku taw aku lapaaa je.
nasib ade makan makan. taw aku makan ape? aku makan char kuey teow. yes, again.
pelahap je la ape yg ade, ye dok? hahaha. janji konyaaang eeeh.
borak borak dgn memy, had berry conversation and stuff.
pastu mak ajak balik, worriteee. baliikkkkk :DD
sesampai rumah, roger Ady. he wanted to come and finish up his assignment. esok dia ade presentation and ade la jugak few things tak siap lagi. dia nak siap kn kt my house. woorrriiteee, tade hal. dtg je la nok.
15mins after I arrived home, Ady pon sampai, along with allll his stufff.
tolooong tolong la buat ape yg patot, sumpa aku cm ngntok gilooo, tp cam Ady helped me A LOT okayy with my cuppies, so its my time to help him.
orang berbudi, kite berbahasa. giteeeewwwww. LOL
meyh, aku tayang assignment mamat ni.
dia kene buat a new product kott, or is it rebranding? I'm not sure bout that.
his product is Ribena Durian, hahaha. its cute thoo, wonder how it will taste like. gheeeee.
and he also need to do like a comic for that. cecamtu lah. haaaa..
yea, around 1am mcm tu, mak terjaga from her sleep. dia pon saje turon bawah tengok tengok skali ape kitorng buat.
mak looooves to do that. I still remember, mase skola dlu dlu en, kalau ade homework aku buat malam malam en, dia mesti teman kn. until I finish it.
so, ni pon same. mak saje turon borak sesame, pkol 1.30am almost 2am mcm tu bru dia naik atas masuk bilik, sambung tidooo.
Ady's ribena module.
kinda cute kan? me likeyyy
and the big poster.
around 3.30-4am mcm tu baru Ady balik. finally, siap jugak everything.
good luck with your presentation tomorrow papi :)
you can change your hair, you can change your clothes
you can change your mind, thats just the way it goes
- You'll Always Find A Way Back Home, Miley Cyrus
10 extra blabbing on "sleeepyhead"
alar sian nyer... susah sgt jadik nyer...
angkot je lar baba tu... dia tanyer diam je lar..
pasal memory card tu... nnti k.leen tunjuk kedai tu..
siannyer Ya...k.leen klu pg maxis mesti dpt org yg frenly giler..sume diorg buat kan...
idk about u dinda..
but i still think ribena durian is quite and absurd idea..
just imagine how its goin to taste like..yucks!
bt still the model is deymm cute :)
sejak dua menjak entry sume panjang panjang kan!
; yeaaa, I dunno la. but in some way this week mmg its like i'm having a hard time to deal with other people.
hari tu deal with banks, and now this. gosh.
; I knoww, my mom kept on asking him tade sample air ke. I was like, erk. durian. hahaha.
; tu ar shite die. entry sume one whole day punye cerita ;p
ICSL ye. fishyfishysharkysharky?
tolonglah faham!
amira stop laughinggg!
=)) =)) =))
=)) =)) =)) =))
pergi maxis centre pon kene ambil no ker?i pg xpenah amik no pon :))
yup... kadang2 mmg x yah amik no..a de je org tanyer kita nak aper?
patutla ady punye lawa.
ade bantuan dari rakan terdekat rupenye. terharu
; ade yg kne, ade yg tak. but as for now, everytime i pg mmg kne amik no seyy.
kak leen
; tu laa, ade. ya ckp la nk configure, pastu dia suro amik no jgk. aiyoo. ni dpt berry baru, kne pg balik lah. haih.
; alaaa, tolong teman je, bkn nye buat ape pon :)
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