dia nk sikit je, takpe. You know, if someone ask me for a favor, I find it really hard to say no. No matter how busy I am, I will try the best to fulfill it.
I start baking quite late. ye lah. pgi KLCC pon dh petang en, smpai rumah pon dh pkol 8pm mcm tu kott. Then, mak insist nak masak jgk. so, kne la tgg dia habis masak, then tgg lg diaorng hbis dinner sume, baru la I can start baking. I want the kitchen all by myself, sbb tu la tunggu je mak settle sume. so, its like almost 11pm, bru la start baking nye.
I texted Pole, sbb katenye dia nk datang, nk tolong baking skali and nk buat cuppies for his mom jgk, pastu bile dh suro dtg, tetibe katenye ade hal pulak, kalau sempat dia dtg.
Pole, its not like I pissed off lah by replying 'wateva'. Its just like malas nk argue or whatsoever lah. so, nak dtg lah. tanak sudah. thats it. yg nk sentap2 tu kenape. haih. WTV.
so, yea. buat la cuppies ape sume, everybody went to bed dh pon. pastu like almost 3am rasenye, Chin and Ady came. yeeeeey. finally, ade jgk yg dtg penghibur duka lara. haha. diaorng sesampai je, teros blasah cuppies. haha. korang taw tak, cuppies ni paling sedab skali makan, is right after kuar dr oven. fuyyyo. panas panas lg tu en, on top of it tu pon mcm crunchy sikit, sumpa sedab nak mati. walau tak sedab mcm mane pon cuppies tu, tp klau dh kuar dr oven tu, mase panas2 tu, weyy. sedab nyeee. haha.
here is the final result :)
okay la. biase biase je. I'm not a pro. I seriously dunno how to do those icing yang cantek giler babeng tu. my deco sucks la. so, kalau nk yg cantik bagai yg mcm banyak2 jual tu, dont order from me. harap maklum :P
p/s : goosh. since my first entry bout cuppies, ramai giler mntk recipe la, tutorial la. so, after this kalau buat cuppies lagi, I blog it keh :)
17 extra blabbing on "cupcakes order"
sorryyy sangat2 thousands apologies susahkan u giler babeng punye menyusahkan tatawu nak cakap mcmane sorry lagi. kalau i move to cyber nanti i promise you i will belanja u makan sumwhere, anywhere u want. saya promise sampai mati nih.
and ur deco kalau sucks comot2 la syggg, sangat cun okay. i love it seyes :]
hei then.
wah.mcm senang je buat cupcake tu (: ehh.mcm mana buat cream tu ye
i suka ur deco.
cantik tau!
jujur ni.
nak nak
izza ;
sokay babe. takpe lah. mmg nk jd en, nk buat camne. btw, i'm glad mus like it :)
eclipse ;
heee. nnt i post entry DIY cuppies ye
luqman ;
thanx dude. my mom ckp it looks pale. aiyoo.
ssin ;
you nk buat sndri la. kate culinary art :P
smlm i baru buat cuppies ni
and what u say is definitely tru
makan panas oanas baru kuar oven
sgt sedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppp
yg crunchy2 atas die tuh pon sgt heavenly!
mira kedekut dushdushdush
seeeee everyone says ur deco lawa. ketuk kang! hehehehehe
lil red ;
kaaaan. gooosh. mmg tak sempat nk deco dh taw. masak je, ngap msuk mulot dlu. haha
shafie ;
nak eh, beli lah :P
ssin ;
auwauwauw. haha. jom kite compete baking :D
izza ;
eleeeh. cantik dlm gmbr je nyah. cube tnye mus, tade la cantik mane. pecayeee lah :DD
cantik aper.. i like it too !!!
kak leen ;
hehe. yeke, thank youuu :)
dah lama tak baking doe,tak penah buat cupcakes,dulu rajin lah buat cake chocolate
ssin ;
ow yeh. eh. ajar ajar. hehe. besday Ady mntk choc moist cake doww. aiyoo
i punya selalu choc dry cake doe,tapenah nye nak moist,i moist kan dgn letak choc cair atas dea hahaha
ssin ;
adooyh. you ni. camne nk jd chef ni.
puii :P
yeah..i think the color is a little bit dull.huuhu..
try more striking colors...mix and match
this one mmg dia nk pastel color meyh.
no striking striking.
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