January 13, 2010

its family dayy

blabbed by Amira Zafirah at 1/13/2010 10:00:00 AM

on last Sunday, me and the whole family decided to picnic at Putrajaya.
chop. apesal bahasa baku semacam? haha.

this was actually mak and baba punye plan. laki bini ni saje la nak get together dgn families before kak nana begabung, meletup, ah !
before kak nana bersalin, thats what I'm tryin to say actually. haha. eh, kak nana dah 8months pregnant taw. insyallah, mid february nanti 'begabung, meletup, ah !'. i mean, bersalin
meletup = bersalin. get it?

okay. moving on.

kitorang gerak lambat dari rumah. a night before tu, me, mak and baba keluar, then balik lambat. so, bangun nye lambat la. then mak nak masak lagi ape sume kan. aku mmg toksah cakap la, mmg tak sedar lansung. taw taw yana masuk bilik kejut aku bangun. haha. takpe, kak leen ade kt bawah, bule tolong mak.

i need to sleep cause aku yg kene drive. kang drebar ngantok, camno nk drive? haaa, jawab jawab. hahaha. okay kak leen, sabar. jgn condemn adik mu ini :)

that morning mak masak nasi lemak, siap ade ayam goreng, telor rebus dgn sambal ikan lagi. oh. baba orang Perak so mmg normal la for orang Perak makan nasi lemak dgn sambal ikan. at first kitorng pon mcm pelik jgk la kn makan nasi lemak dgn sambal ikan, but bile dh lame lame, we're used to it already.
pastu kak leen pulak buat nasi goreng, then ade sandwich, pastu ape lagi eh? ntoh. tu je kot. tu pon dh banyak dh. padahal bukan nye ade sape pon. kitorang anak beranak je.

when everythings done, ktorang pon gerak la dari rumah. I think mase tu dah 9-ish am kot. not sure. tp mmg lambat la, dh panas terik gitu.
as i informed earlier, I had to drive, bwk CRV yg bagak tu, tp takpe, sesuai dgn aku yg bagak ni kan. hahaha. kalau pegi Putrajaya, mmg aku yg kne drive sbb baba mmg super fail dgn jalan kt sane. aku kt orng Bangi, so takat Putrajaya tu, kacang yooo. cheh, konon. padahal, Alamanda je yg aku taw. hahaa.

kitorang picnic dkt precint brape, haku mmg tataw. fail la precint precint ni. but yg aku taw tempat ni betol betol dpn PICC. kalau nk sampai sini, ikot je signboard PICC or Pullman Hotel. sampai la korang kat sini.

actually, its not really a picnic la. cause picnic would be on the grass, dduk berlapik kan tikar or a placemat or something. but kitorng punye style picnic modern sikit la. hehhe.
modern kejadah nye, dh mase tu panas terik, giloo hape nk telentang atas tikar kt rumput tu. mmg tak la kan. kt situ pon dh siap ade pondok sume, ddok je la kt dlm tu. selamat sikit.
tempat ni mmg best la, tak crowded, the facilities sume pon senang. toilet sume ade, playground. view pon cantik. just nice.
mmg syok la budak budak tu berlari sane sini. bkn budak budak tu je, haku pon syok jugak taw. tp, tade la over sgt sbb dh panas kan, tengahari gitu. mmg tak la aku nk bejemor. aku ni dh ckop hitam dh nyah.

enjoy the views of the place
the right building looks like Burj al Arab kan?
cantik seyy. you can get on the bridge if you want. i didnt cause it was mad hot
i thinks its a dam taw. cause it does looks like it.

sesampai je, siap hangkot barang ape sume kt pondok, then dh arranged everything, terok amik pinggan, makaaaan. sume dh lapa en. yg kids pulak, sbok nk main kt playground lah, main basikal la, bola la. macam macam. padahal budak ade 3 orng je. camno? hahha

so, pictureesss time.

kak leen dudooooook. tsk tsk tsk. haha
khusyuk je aiman makan.
sesi manje dgn atok. no, except me. I was only pretending like i was. haha
kak nana menikmati orange
ape la dibuat nye bdk kecik ni
spongebob squarepants no. 1 fans, ONI !
playing the rugby ball with kidss
landing selagi bule
kak leen looks effin short cause she was wearing a flat. i wore flats too okay. kak leen tu je yg kecik, ai normal size taw yu ;p
waah. lame tak amik gmbr mcm ni. teringat zaman myspace dulu. HAHA

mase ni kan, mmg panas sgt taw. panas terik, tp ade la jgk angin sikit sikit. jadi la kan, better than nothing. lepas sume dh habis makan, kitorng lepak je la kat pondok tu, duduk duduk, borak ape sume.
yang lawak nye, mak tak habis habis imagine air. ye la, kn dh panas sgt kan. so, she was like imagine kalau la dpt minum teh ais ke, cendol ke. haha. macam macam air la yg dia sebot, yg kak leen sibok nk ice cream lah. haha.
paling tak bule blah skali Memy, dia kate rase mcm puasa. haha. choyy sgt kan.

sebab kan sume orng dh tak tahan sgt sbb panas and sume pon dh kepingin sgt nk minum ice, aku pon ajak sumeee balik. jom jom jom balik, singgah mamak dlu. haha.
actually, aku ajak balik sbb I need to be at Sunway Pyramid by 3pm. tp camno, pukol 1 aku dkt Putrajaya lagi. mane la sempat kan.

dah singgah mamak kt precint 15. oh. the one and only precint that I know is precint 15 lah. hahaha. sbb dkt dgn college and senang nk ingt. hehhe.
decided to upload all 4 of Oni's picture eating the half boiled eggs. too cute la to be kept kan (:
milo tabur. since dkt pondok tu aku dh ngidam bende ni. haha. heaveeeeen :D
muke selenge Yana sbb lambat sgt tgg roti canai dia sampai. HAHA

habis je mamak, teros rush balik rumah, teros bersiap segala.

okay. next post about that. cause Sunday was such a looo0ng day for me :)

6 extra blabbing on "its family dayy"

Dann Chafid on January 13, 2010 at 10:11 AM said...

hahahaha picnic modern ye? terbaek! hehe
awhhh oni comellll. hahaha eh she looked tall dowh.

Azleen on January 13, 2010 at 11:10 AM said...

alar.... mcm nk drive smpi ke perlis kan?? tido je lar.keroje nyer...

Amira Zafirah on January 13, 2010 at 6:10 PM said...

; tall sikit la.haha. she grown up lah dude.

kak leen
; ngehhee. shuuh shuuuh

Dancer on January 13, 2010 at 9:49 PM said...

mcm best.

Qib on January 13, 2010 at 11:19 PM said...

i miss going for a perfect vaacation., ngan family.,
huhu,. so jealous of u

Amira Zafirah on January 14, 2010 at 1:33 AM said...

; mmg best pon (:

pin qib
; aiyoh. jeles lgi. aiseyy. haha

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