January 14, 2010


blabbed by Amira Zafirah at 1/14/2010 10:00:00 AM
ingat tak lagi I said I need to go to Sunway Pyramid?
haaa, ni la cite dia.

aku tepakse pgi Sunway pon sbb nk jmp si Pino. dia ni pon photographer jugak. will promote about him later, once i get all my pictures. haha.
Pino, no picture, no promote okay? haha.

tengah aku rushing siap siap ape sume kan, ye la mase tu nk dkt pkol 2pm dh, jnji jumpe pkol 3pm taw. tetibe, ade messege masuk kt my bedazzled

'kalau I ajak you kluar mlm ni, agak you bule kluar tak?'

it was from Ady. its so weird taw. tetibe dia mesej gitu kan. then aku ckp la, kalau dgn you confirm baba kasi kluar. but then you nk pgi mne? i tanak kluar mlm ni, i nk tgk AJL.
and he replied,

' I nak ajak you pgi AJL la ni'.

OMG. I immediately said yes. like tade fkir ape pon. teros kate yes. hahaha. but then still kene pgi Sunway dulu. aku ajak Ady ikot skali and he said okay. so, aku Ady and Dan sume pgi la ke Sunway nak jumpe si Pino nye, nak amik gmbr, skali dgn nk amik ticket AJL.
disebabkan dh lambat kan, aku pon drive la laju gile, ikot NPE. arrived at Sunway in 20mins jeh.
ngehheeee ;p

tapi yang paling hampehnye, si Pino tu yg lambat rupenye. he's late almost an hour jgk la. sabau je la kan. gigih je haku drive lelaju tanak lambat. cheh.
jadi jumpe la Pino, lepak ape sume kt Papa Rich. the service was super slow okay. tunggu air je nk dkt setengah jam, mmg haku hangen la kan. baru la kedek kedek nk hantar air. keep saying sorry sorry, hekelleh. lembab.

balik pon dh like around 6pm gitu taw. ni dgn nak siap pgi AJL nye lagi. aduhaaaai. rushing lagi balik rumah pulak. siap siap ape sume.
at first baba ckp nk hntar, skali dia tanak pulak, mls sbb jam. pastu dia suro aku naik LRT. mmg tak la kan. so, i drive. habis cite.

arrived at Bkt Jalil in 20mins je from my house. mane ade jam. hekelleh. kecoh betol la. relax je aku, siap parking ape sume senang . poyo betol.
sesampai sane, saw the twins lepak kt situ. theyre waitin for Pdot datang dgn rombongan nya. at that moment, only Acaf yang nk pgi AJL, but me, Ady and Dann hasut Aliph ikot skali kitorang. and, he did. ngehhe.
out ticket yg murah tu jee. kate pon dpt free kan, jadi la. better than nothing. but Pdot, Acaf sume dpt VIP ticket. dh kate kawan dgn artis, harus la kan. hahhaa.
Pino pulak dpt media ticket cause dia photographer.

okay, I like this one. mcm cute. omgwtfbbq. eewww. haha
Dann, me, Aliph and Acaf
but weyy, I tell you. it was hectic seyyy. nak masuk kt 4th floor tu. seksa nyeeeee. ya hampuuuun. taubat tanak la pegi lgi. mmg la best nak mati kan, tp seksenyeeeeee.
Pino, next time VIP please. that day kate try nk dpt ABP tcket kan? haaaa, jgn janji, nnt mira tuntut :D
sea of people. need to get on the stairs to get to the friggin door. imagine me man. ZOMG

okay. boored. enjoy some pictures that I have now.
habis je AJL, mak pon start la call call tanye kat mane ape sume kan. risau nauuu anak dia ni balik malam malam, padahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal :D
tp, aku chill dlu. lepak lepak, borak borak jap dgn ADUN ADUN yg ade. hahaha.
meet Pdot people (:

tp cam dh lambat sgt, had to go. Pino ajak masuk after party but I had to say no. mak dh bising suro balik. rimas betol. grrrr

overall, AJL was awesume. it was mad sekse I tell you to get in, but its worth it lah.
nevermind, skali skale low profile jap. ape salah nyeee. HAHA

4 extra blabbing on "AJL"

lily lotus on January 14, 2010 at 1:35 PM said...

berbaloi2 even bersesak2..

Dann Chafid on January 14, 2010 at 5:58 PM said...

haha best kan kene downgrade skali skala? low profile gitu. haha.

Amira Zafirah on January 14, 2010 at 11:16 PM said...

; yup. definitely :D

; aiyoo, gitu la. downgrade sehari. haha

pino on January 15, 2010 at 3:37 AM said...

hahahahaha....next time dtg lagi sunway k....but aku tggu korang jgn risau ahahahah...hehehe

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