August 7, 2008

Ikea trip

blabbed by Amira Zafirah at 8/07/2008 10:49:00 PM
yes, we went to Ikea today. daaamn. after such a long time, smpai juga ku kesana. haha. gelak la ckp aku jakun. sumpah aku tak heran. hahaha. lame kott tak pgi sne. asek dok tawaf KL tu je en. today dpt pgi. waaah. mmg sorgaaaaaa :DD

we left the house early in the morning so that we can reach early. haha. bodo je. pgi awal kan senang. parking banyak. orang tak ramai. chill sje meyh. bule brekfast dlu. tp awal2 mcm mne pon. kesesakan lalu lintas tetap harus ditanggung. baaahaha. we left the house almost at like 8sumtin almost nine, lps je tol 50sen tu. haaa. amek kau. jam saje lah. tapi takpeeeee, today hati msng2 gembira sje sbb nk pergi Ikea. jam jam pon takesaaah. hati tetap gumbiraaaaaa.
We reached Ikea at 9.30-10am mcm tu lah. the we head straight to cafe for breakfast, today nsi lemak tade, mihun sajeeee. jdi lah. takesah pon. mkn dia en, gheee. bapak la murah kott. we took 4plates of fried meehoon, 3 pau, 1 curry puff and 4 hot drink and total? tak smpai RM7 pun hokay! RM6 sumtin je. OMG OMG OMG. kalau la Ikea dkt dkt college aku, mmg la hri2 aku mlntak kt situ. murah giler en. dh mkn siap2 sume, we head on to the showroom. Motif dtg ke Ikea? huwm. NTAH. haha. saje la kott. except for kak Leen I think. She always had something to buy, most of it are unnecessary things. haha. membazir sajee. muaahahaha :DDlihat la kebahgiaan dia. haha. her husband is off to work, her two kids was sent to the nursery and she was there with us. mmg merdeka betol dia hari ni. mse nk kuar rumah pgi tuh, mak ckp dgn baba, "kita bwk 2 ank dara la hri ini." and I'm like, "dara keh?' while pointing my ass to her. hahaha. ye ye ye ye . aku taw. tgk bdn mmg la mcm dia yg ank dara, aku yg beranak 2 en, tp tolong la faham noks. selak baju tengok perot dulu okay. haha. *waaah. kak Leen bace ni. lariiiiiiiiiiiiii* hahaha.jalan jalan jalan, thn baba ckp dia suro ktorang find a nice rack nk ltk dkt our house kt kmpg sane. cari punye cari punye cari. jumpe jugaaak. thn sprti biase, amik la pncil and paper and tulis all the information so that nnt korang tade la terkial kial nk mencari. heee. bnd tu bapak la berat. nasib la ank bongsu dia yg dara tapi bdn mcm orng beranak 2 ni kuat jugak taw, terdaya juga lah aku mengangkat nye. ph. lupe. kak Leen tolong. hahaahaha *lariiiiiiiiiks!*
what is she pointing at?
mak aaaaai!
kosi bedaah ni herge RM699. eeew. dah la buruk. kusyen tade. cnfrm dduk bontot sakit. heeee. rugik je sape beli. banned banned! haha

then, jalan jalan jalan lagi. from one bag, up lgi satu, thn up lagi stu and up lgi satu. total? 2 yellow bag, one big trolley and one furniture trolley. haha. tak snap pulak gmbr trolley. brng nye kecik2, tp biler dh byk2 jdi berat. dr yellow bag tu putus ke, koyak ke, btter amik lain kan. kang tak psal2 kne gnti pulak. nayee jeee. heee.

recognize this?

haaa. tu kan kain yg same pattern dgn bag Biha tuu. oh. I have one too :)
geram kaaaan. oh. me and my mom susun it. haha. comel gile okay. dgn material yg sgt la best. kalau BF bgi brng mcm ni pon, mmg dh bersyukur sgt dah. best woo bwk pi tidoq :D
that is our 3rd trolley. ade board, frames, lotsa quilt cover and more quilts too && mcm2 lah. small things

sungguh tak snonoh okay. itu doormat kott, thn kak Leen sje la bkk nk tgk bsr mne, and mak was like, "huyy, nk smyang ke?" and kak Leen act like it and I snapped it. haha. astaghfirullahazim:P

korang mesti pernah tgk en bottle2 ni, mmg aku rase la, Ikea la founder nye kott,and since then, mcm merate2 la jual and kt Ikea until la ni pon, still adee lgi jual. aku en, tak suke sgt la bottle ni. mcm no use. haha. nk kate cantik pon, idak la cantik mane, stakat deco? eleeeh. toksah lerw. buat nyomak yoo :P
after we done taking all out stuff, its bayar time. nsib la counter tak ramai orng. chill je. ooh. ni la yang suke jalan2 on weekdays ni, mmg tak ramai orng taw. syok giler. aman damai sentosa :)
o'oh :O

mak tukang bayar. mmg biler2 pon, mak tukang pegang duit :B

that is our 4th trolley, mse balik, skali kan sume brng2 and bwk 2 trolley je turun bawah. oh. board besar tu actually a black and white board. for Yana and Aiman. best oh. bnde tu. mak sooka noks !
oh. kami bukan la beshopping sakan sbb awal bulan or Baba dpt big bang boom. tidaak. Baba kerja sendri, jadi, gaji dia bkn la every mnth. the harder he works, the harder the pile of money will come. cecamtu lah. alhamdulillah, hari2 rezeki masuk dgn halal nye. so, kami pun tabule la riak mane nk berbelanje :)
next, makaaaaaaaaaaan !

3 extra blabbing on "Ikea trip"

Anonymous said...

eleh. perot dia pun skit lebih kureng je cam perot kita...

izrin hana on August 10, 2008 at 10:13 AM said... shopping shopping!! ;)

Anonymous said...

wahh..sakan u! paling best sbb bkn diri sendiri yg kena byr :P

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