heee. dah jumpe dah gang kat college. yeeeey !
I admit that for me, its not that hard to make new friends. just be frienly, sure you'll find lots of friends.
but to be honest, during orientation week, I tend to forget how their face looks like. I mean, everybody pakai tuding taw. white tudung, so, its very confusing for me. but luckily, they remember me.hehhe.
anyway, here's the picture of my classmate, but only some of it. I am closed with them, but until today, theres more people in my class that I'm close with. and for that, I'll update in my next entry keh :)
Me and Wawa, yups. they call it twins. haha. A LOT of people mistaken our names. Wawa orng pnggil Mira and Mira pngil Wawa. when either of us alone, they call both names. tgk mane satu yg pandang. ngeng. this is Luqman and he is the guys that I'm close with in my class lah. oh. the bottom picture, he tries to snap a pic like me, through mirror of the projector. haha. ape2 la you, jnji you bahgieee ;p Ika, my god. senyum lah Ika ooi. ssh giler nk suro dia senyum tapi, senang giler nk suro dia ckp. haha upper is Zahira and down is Iylia. Zahira likes to sleep and sing and Lia likes making jokees. pastu kang dia latah. waaah.syok okay. hehe. next to her in green tudung is Nadia, she likes to hug me. hehhe. they all nice people and they my classmate, so, dont mess with them. get it? :) Luqman snapped this for me. haha. pencil box Transformer tuuh. haaa. korang ingt bile msuk college dah tade dh sume ni ke. ade taaaaw. that pencil box is belong to Kimi, my classmate jgk. no picture taken because he was busy doing his work. I was so shocked to see the pencil box and Kimi also sang Pussycat Doll song, When I Grow Up. haha. OMG! I LOOOOVE THIS PICTURE A LOT! look at us. we're so damn happy okay. this is self timer, so we're like waiting for it capture and I have no idea how did it turn up like this. hahaha.
4 extra blabbing on "jumpe daaah"
wahh..i can see ur truly happiness from ur face lah dear! hepi to see that..don't be notty ok! study lek lok..cheers *_*
Abg Bear tak ramai kawan baik... ada sekumpulan jer tak ingat berapa puluh orang... lain lin semua teman kenalan yg mesra... kenal tapi jarang beraktiviti tapi ABg Bear ada dua orang jer kawan paling rapat yg sampai peringkat kita leh cerita masalah peribadi Dr Shah ngan Jack... kami kenal dah lama terutama Jack yg sekampung... dah berpuluh puluh tahun berkawan...
Tapi Mira ngan Wawa memang cantik pakai tudong...
awww. yeke. thanx.haha. insyaallah. nnt smpai seru pkai la tdung kitorng ;p
oh. yea. ni sume bru mse2 gmbriang Abg Bear, yelah. baru2 lgi. msing2 tak tnjuk belang lg. harap2 diaorng ni sume okay lah.
heee. pdn lah rpt betol en, abg bear dgn diaorng. dh kwn lame rupenye :)
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