I went out and met few of my friends. At first, I wanted to hang out with Biha because this would be the last day before she left to college on the 20th. oh. she is now in Mahsa College, Damansara. she's taking Fisiotheraphy. good luck yang!
I was supposed to went there together with Biha straight to KLCC but at the very last minute, Biha said she couldnt came with me bacause she had to go to TTDI for some casting. ow daaamn. I had to go there alone bacause Chin is already left early in the morning and she was not in KLCC, she's in Bkt Bintang. so, I left the house, went straight to LRT and went to Bkt Bintang to meet Chin.
When I arrived at the LRT stationI was like. shit. camera tak bwk. bodo bodo bodo. daaamn. then, biler dh smpai dkt tmpt nk msuk ticket tuh, my card Touch 'n Go card is not working. tanak tagged taw. vavik betol, I asked the lady there and she said I need to clear the card first, she's like bla bla bla and I'm like okay, whatever. I go somewhere and fix it. Luckily, the card can not be used at LRT only, lain2 tempat bule. alhamdulillah. I waited for the train in less than 5min. hehhe. syok jeeee. cepat je sampai, if not heh. half an hour kot kene tunggu. saba je la kan.
then, when I arrived at Hang Tuah, I decided to take the monorail until dpn Lot 10 tu kan sbb Chin ckp dia dkt Sg Wang. so mcm mls je nak jalan sorang2 thn nak kene lintas sume2, haih. takpe. naik monorail. tapi kan. bapak aaaaar. orang ramai giler doww. 2 train dh jalan pon aku tak lepas masuk lg. vavik. passs. kluar balik. burn je ticket aku en. tp takpe. aku pkai touch n go. ehehe. but but, theres this one incident that scared me. mse dh decided nk jln kaki je kan, mse nk turun tangge monorail tuh, aku turn la dgn this group of guys taw. tataw la, orng ape, Myanmar ke, Tiber ke, Gurkha ke, Burma ke, tp definitely bukan Indon lah. tibe2 sesak2 kat tangge tuh kan, teros berenti, tgk2 one of them dh mcm terduduk dkt tangge tuh, shivering okay! kene sawan kott.dah la aku sorang pompuan Melayu kat situ. budak mude pulak tu. anak dara lgi kaan. *hehhe* then bule pulak ade mcm tuh, thn aku mcm ke tepi and aku passed by lah orng tuh. waaaa. takot! ye la kan.mne la taw bile aku passed by tu tibe2 dia tarik kaki aku ke, terkam aku kee. heee. tataw la kenapa ornguh. aku lari turun tangge, thn tbe2 dgr dia mcm jerit taw. sumpah aku terkejot then aku teros lari. hahaha. melulu je. siap jerit pulak tuuh. hehe. ey ey ey, bukan jerit terpekik mcm tuh, jst mcm ahhhh. hehhe. kira orng yg mcm 4 meter dr aku pon, bule dgr kot. waahahaha. sila lah gelak. takpe. I dont mind, sbb aku pon tgh gelak ni ha. HA HA HA . *vavik. sakit tekak. tabule telan air liur. kundek betol* pastu bile dh turun bwh, jln la kaan. kpd sesape yg penah jln kaki frm hang tuah tu taw la ye. kak Leen msti tataw nye ni. hiks! jalan la sorang2, dgr mp3, lalu dpn Pudu Jail sume tuh, kete byk, agak sesak jgk la jalan. thn mse kt traffic tu aku takot taw. ye la. aku kan fail bab2 lintas jalan ni. heee. eh! tp bwk kete aku pndai cross taw. haaaa. bongok je kan. kaki sendiri tabule control, tayar kete tuh pandai pulak control. sewel. heheh. then then, disebabkan tkot nk lintas sorang2, aku pon spotted this one mamat, ala2 budak skate gitu. yela. tengahari bute2 pkai sweater tebal2 color hitam, dgn suar londeh nyeee. dgn backpack yg slalu bdk skate pkai tuuh. backpack pon byk je tag2 skate comp. heeee. aku taw lah! dh kate dlu pon bekas laki aku kan skate, kwn terbaik aku pun hantu skate jgk. so, I know la little little about skate. hehehe. aku ikot je la jalan blakang mamat tuh. hehe. mse lintas jln sume2 lah. smpai dkt times square bru aku berpisah dgn dia. heeee. tp dia prasan kot. dia mcm pndang, thn aku senyum je lah. haha. thanx bang! pastu teros lah meneruskan misi ke Sg Wang nk jmp Chin. mse tuh lintas jln sorang, tp takpe, ade mamat ni bwk kete bg aku jln, dia kesian tu kt aku. jln2 sorang2 kan. HA HA HA .
then biler dh jmp. Chin dgn kwn2 dia, Fiqa, Phesza and EL, jmp. lepak2. kitorng sempat pgi rooftop Sg Wang tuh, yg byk kedai tu kan. and aku pon smpat beli shorts. cantik. 27 hengget jee. hehe. tmpt tuh restricted doww. tanak pgi lah. cnfrm duit aku melayang2 je kat situ. thn jln2. rupe2 nye kt Sg Wang ade OldTownWhiteCoffee en. heee. aku suke giler tmpt tuh. makan dia sume sedaaaaaaaab belaka. waaah ! pstu kitorang jln kaki pgi KLCC. first time tuh. excited je aku.
then smpai KLCC, aku ditched Chin kejap, and lepak dgn Aiman, adik seret aku. haha. korang sume adik angkat la, abg angkat la.ape angkat2 la kan. aku ade adik seret. haha. tade lah. tade nye aku nk seret2 ke angkat2 dia ke. okayy. he is 15 and kitorng mmg dh kenal lame thru Myspace. before this prnah la terserempak, dkt KLCC jgk, tp tak lpk pon, jst say Hi sbb mse tu tgh dating dgn bekas laki aku kaaaan. so. hareeem la aku nk melepak dgn orng lain lah. ahahahaha. so, jmp la dia. lepak2 sume. we had lunch together. then jmp Biha and my other friends. ade Nabil, Ady.Cyful.Nizam.Danang.Pidot.Nash and ade lg 2 orng yg aku lupe name. hehe.sorrry !
say Hello to Aiman :)lps dh ditch Aiman, then aku pon melepak la dgn Biha, which is the main reason why I went out that day. lepak2 skali dgn diarong. gelak2 tahengat punye. oh! I baked cookies again. kali ni, sedab sikit than the first one. aku byk 2 packts for them, tak tahan lame mane pon. taw2 dh hbis je. haha. aduyaaai. jln2 kat situ, I bought some stuff for myself lagi, then kitorng pgi lpk dkt Starbucks pulak. sembang2 lagi. Ady sibuk dgn sketch book dia, so sumeorng pgi la melukis dgn dia. I sat next to Cyful. he is actually my senior taw. haha. we study at the same place. so, we chit chat a bit la. tnye mcm mne sume2 kan. he is also the same course as mine so kire dia pon bdk UiTM jgk la. lepka2. borak2 sume. hahaha. mse ni la sume gelak tahengat je.

Biha and Ady. haha. they're close to one another
that is Cyful. he is my senior. jom jaja gambar ni kt KPTM. waaah. baru2 junior dh ade scandal dgn senior. tak snonoh! baaahahaha :Dpastu kitorng jln2 pulak kt park. we left Pidot and his 2 friends dkt Starbuck. tanak ikot sudeeyh. haha. then lpk2 kt park. si
Ady hentam buat aksi2 cheer. gelak setan lg aku. haha. tak sangke je. then Cyful pon join. haha. aku dh gelak2 mcm hareem. dgn lawak2 lucah nye. ya allah. then Ady ckp nk pgi Low Yat, nk cari ink printer, so jln la blik ke BkT Bintang. tp en. mse dkt are KLConvention tu, kaki aku mcm kotor taw. pakai flipflops. thn jln2 kt park, pastu dgn aku yg peloh tahengat ni, so dgn selamba nye, aku
celup kaki kt kolam tuh. haha. lantak la. bkn guard nmpk pooon. heee. thn nmpk la ade couple2 dduk2 kt situ tgn, tangan masing2 merayap je. astaghfirullahalazim. haih. ape nak jdi. chewaaaaah ! haha. whatever.

thn sampai Lowyat, Ady beli barang sume2 thn at 7.30 balik. oh! I kan kan kan. I actually mintak permission kt baba nk balik malam. OMG OMG OMG. haha. promise dkt dia balik before 9pm. heee. baik kan. anak solehah gituu. waaaah ! *pffftttt* thn, Biha and Ady went back with me, naik LRT and nasib la mse dkt LRT tu orng nk bli tckt tak rmai. fuyh. kalau tak. mmg sumpah sranah je aku kt situ. while Nabil,Danang and Cyful walked back to KLCC sbb diaorng naik Putra. then, when Biha and Ady are together, korang cucuk telinge dgn earphone je lah. they will talk and talk and goossssip je. haha. dh nk smpai rumah pon tak puas lgi nk gossip and since I have one hour left, lepak la kt mamak pulak, bg diaorng gossip puas2. haha. kesian. psni ssh nk jmp dh kan, dh puas gossip, mkn mnum ape sume.balik ah. haha.and I reached home at 9pm exact! terrror dow :DDD