konon nak pegi naik Taming Sari * I called it up-down-up-down. haha* tp orng ramai kott que. so, malaaaaas.
then, we headed back to hotel and had our dinner. Aiman, Yana and abg Anip did'nt join us sbb Yana dah tidoo. I ahd a quick online. Thnk god the lappy was soo handy and the restaurant ade wifi. yeey.kak Leen was a lil concern with her ice lemon tea sbb on top of it ade mcm beer bubble. as I examine, its jst a foam. haha. terror betol aku examine. tade bau pun lah. hehe. oopsie :P
after that, we walked to Jonked Street. bessst gileer kot. kenape la mate ade 2 je, kalu ade 8 kan senang. haha. we didnt snap any pic taw.huwm. tataw la knape. ooh. taw taw. tgn penuh dgn barang :D
she wanted a picture in the middle of the road. mlm bule la posing, cube kalau siang. naya sume kete accident kt stu. haha
Grr, my picture msti spoiled taw. dah la gelap, and the tandas awam sign is standing out more than the others. ceit.
after such a loong day, we head back to hotel and get a super comfy of sleep.
next entry :)
2 extra blabbing on "Melaka bebeh II"
hahaha padan sgt tangan tu dgn board tu. Merdeka :D
ckp dgn Kak Leen.
I dah naik kott Taming Sari tuhh.
Best. Best.
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