anyway, our seat is 3 rows from the stage and we're loving it. haha. best oh dduk depan2. tak soka okay dduk blakang2, tade feeel. the thing is, the night that we came tu mcm ade this one rombongan yg tade ticket taw. tataw la knpe, mybe their tickets are sponsored kott. I think la. so, they let all the audience with buying ticket sat at the front row, so orng2 yg tade ticket tu kne la dduk blakang. hehe. its quite tak aci la kan, but what to do. dh dpt dduk depan ni pon, kire bersyukor yg amat dah. hehhe.
layan dlu pic before theatre start :)
in the hall, of course la no picture kan. even my phone ade msej pon, nk chck and rply pon orng tu dh suluh2 dgn red light. vavik je en.
deeeemn. security dia sgt la tak syok okay. mcm peeeeergh. geram siot. dh la tmpt cast tu jauh, nak ambik gmbr pon ssh. thn whn kite move our body forward, guard tu marah. ekelleh. kau ingt aku punye camera ni SLR ke, bule zoom in 40kaki. boddddoh. kire mmg nk amik gmbr ssh giler taw. security tu segala nye tabule. like helllooo, sape je pon manusia2 ni. lain la Tok Ti ke, Michelle Yeoh ke, Anuar Ibrahim ke. ye la kau nk secure segala bagai, ini. stakat zulhuzaimy, dynas, dina, zarina. wadefak maaan. ntah ape2 je. thn, guard tu bule buat annoucement, kate photography session is after that, tp nan adoo. nasib la kak Leen aku snap kn jgk gmbr nyeee. autograph session was like 10mins, then sume blah. siap ade guard escort kau. mengade. haha
Dynas mmg sgt la cantik dan tinggiii. hehhe. dgr cite dia dh pregnant kan? waaah. congratulation :))Dina Malaysian Idol. part dia in the play mmg sgt best taw. mak soooka nok. haha. dia partner dgn laki named, Amzar I think, in the play lah. && laki yg dlm group Fabulous Cats tu, bkn Cat Farish, the other guy tu en. deeeeemn. sumpah suara dia best gilos nak mampos. haha
so, all the crowds mmg tgg for the cast nk amik gmbr and whtsoever.
gheeee. kitorng nmpk David Teo taw, thn ingt la nk pi jmp dia. nk complain psl Lemon restaurant dia tu. haha. tp, tak berkesempatan okay. dia busyy je ckp2 dgn sape ntah. Grr
but one thing about this la en, theatre ni intro dia mmg gempak gilller. best ahh. ooh. mmg ade kereta drift ye dlm tu. haha. pusing2 kau.
Chin && Ady, jom arrr. hehhe
4 extra blabbing on "maximum impact"
best kan.. ni mmg tgh angau lagi ni..
nk pi carik cd sume citer zulhuzaimy... x lelap tidor igt diaaaaaaaaaaa....
thx adikku..amik gmbr...
lap u..lap u....
nk pegi lagi.. tp yana cam nerrrr???
hahahah. woahh. mcm syiok woo.
i am pretty jealous.
wahh..gila babas best!!!
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