November 28, 2008
hello :)
oow yeh. its been 3days i'm here.
anyway, now dkt mamak Lumut, my favourite mamak here.
&&&& bertambah favourite lah kan sbb dh ade wifi
todayy. demn. lotsa things happen. funny things for me actually. hehhe.
I wish I can blogit now, but you know, time really jealous of me. HA HA HA.
Ady, good luck wth tmrw dude. Sorry I cant teman you eventhough dah promise.
tp takpe, 'kekasih gelap' you kan adeeee.
erk. wtv
'till then peeps.
p/s : konon mcm gossip girl je kan. hehhe.
November 27, 2008
nope, I didnt stay here. balik kampung maaaa.
tp, from kampung jalan2 di Penang puleee.
jap2 lgi gerak la balik kmpung balik, which is at Perak :)
gheee. teringin nak naik ferry sebenarnye.
p/s : post di kedai mamak. haha., che' pekena nasi kandaq okay. dkt Subaidah :D
seeee. my face. bkn super impose technique. betol2 ni :D
p/s : visit pengantin punye blog at
November 26, 2008
blog jugaaak
tadi YM dengan Qayyum.
hiks ;p
of course la dia gune account lain.
gile hape aku nak add dia gune account dia dgn gf dia.
memang meroyan la aku.
we didnt talked about serious matters.
I'm sure he had fun because, deeeemn. dia memang bahan aku doww.
kejam kejam. grr.
chill en.
sabaaar. buat bodo saje.
its a good thing actually.
lame2, bule biasekan diri.
I NEED to adapt this whole new environment that I had with him.
p/s : tade nye saya nak print screen la Yum. print screen pon tak reti. haha.
p/s lagi : ini entry auto publish. TADI tu meaning on tuesday night. hehhe. lame betol aku pending kan ;p
my friend is your friend is her friend is his friend is me
my live.
huwm. where to start. aduhai. I dont know where to start actually.
okay la. since I broke up with Yum and stuff, I tried my best to not getting involved with people related to him.
by doing that, I kinda make myself to all of the friends that I made in my past. Because, his friends are my friends too. faham?
in the end, I only stick with Chin and getting closer and closer to Alia.
now, lets start :)
in my college, I met Dara. she was Dylla's bestfriend. I know Dylla through myspace. I've met her few times, YM and stuff. kinda good friends jgk la.
from Dylla, I met Fiqa, her bestfriend. I'm kinda close with Fiqa, until today. Currently, Fiqa is studying at Unisel and she knows Pidot. oh, Fiqa's friend name Att have a boyf name Megat. Megat was Pole's schoolmate. He is also had a crushed on Biha, until now. haha.
oh. Pidot. I knowed Pidot when I went to the Summer Splash. He is Biha's friend. They're kinda close that time. Pidot is also Ady's dormate during highschool. oh, I knowed Ady through Biha. Pidot also know a girl named Syafnida, which is also Biha's friend.
Syaa, my loyal reader was also Tok Kadi, my collagemate, schoolmate during his highschool. haha. Me and Syaa know each other through blog and tak sangka, bule kenal pulak Kadi. haih.
another blog reader, Izza. her boyf is Yum's roomate. haha. hence, her boyf knows Yum and Pole too.
huwm. sape lagi eh?
oh. during my driving test, I met a girl named Aqila. now, she is my collagemate, which is Dara's roomate. hence, she knows Dylla too.
oh. new blog reader, Ssin, studied at KLMU. same as Yum's girlfriend. ooho. I hope they dont know each other.
&& Izza is also study at Pole's ex-gf college. no, they didnt know each other. hehhe.
haaaa. theres also a girl in my college that I called by the name "Altantuya", because she did look like her. hehe. That girl is Ady's ex-gf. so, she knows Ady.
&&&& Kadi's bestfriend in college, Beca, which is also kinda good friend of me knows Ady too. because, they both studied at the same school. haha.
Amira is a friend of Aqila which also a friend of Dara, which is Dylla's was bestfriends, which also knows Fiqa, which close to Att, which is Megat's gf which had a crush on Biha, which knows Pidot that was Ady's doormate which was Beca's schoolamate that is a goodfriends with Kadi that knows Altantuya.
Amira is superfriend with Pole which is Qayyum's besties which is Izza's boyfriends's roomate that studied at the same place as Pole's ex-gf.
Amira is Ssin readers that knows my kanda that are also friends with Ady which is Biha know since she's in primary school, which is her boyf now is Ameer, which is Pidot has a crush on.
oh. Pidot is gay. hehe.
no offense. he admit to me and I am so sure that he dont mind I'm saying this because he admits that to everybody.
erk. thats all I could think right now. ade lagi kott, but tahengat la mak nyah ooi.
anyway, welcome to my live.
which is everybody lives too.
hiks ;D
November 25, 2008
I've set some auto publish entry.
I'm gonna bring along my lappy. so, if theres wifi I'm sure gonna update a bit.
but, of course la wth no pictures.
p/s : my life is getting more and more and more people involved.
we stayed bout an hour something lah, then masing2 dh lapaaaa. haha. so, in the end, we left the hall and went to Pavillion instead. HA HA HA. prom kejadahnye kalau seat pon susun mcm tu, theres no food and booored. haha.
we left, had our meal dkt Pizza Hut
ATTENTION : jangan pegi makan dkt Pizza Hut Pavillion. I've been there like 4-5 times kott. the SERVICE is BAD. super BAD. jangan lah okayy.anyway, malas la nak type panjang, because tade mood. I'm still like sedih2 lagi bout my twinnie, Wawa. so, enjoy the pictures je la keh :)







haha. nasib la ade photoscape. senaaaaang aku combine kan gambar. susah okay nk pilih sbb ade banyaaaaaaaaaak gilos gambar. mmg kepale hotak aku mcm hareeeeem je nk pilih. aduyaaai.
yang korang nmpk mcm kat parking lot tu, mmg kt parking lot pon. hehe. saje2 gatal nk bergambar. ape, ingt senang ke nk tgk chin pakai heels? haaaa.
anyway, I sprayed my hair with blue. hehe. I liiike it and so does Ady. huwm. I think nk buat highlight blue lah. eventhough I hate blue kan, but it look super nice on hair. hehe. &&&&& I hate my dress. It made me look like I'm 2 months pregnant. but my kanda said, I've no one to blamed because I chose it. finne. I regret okay. waaaa :(
but, takpe lah, its already happen pon. so, fuck it la kan. haha. giler ayat redha je. hehhe. ape lagi nk cite eh? huwm.
oooh. the 5 of us naik my 'bambi' okay. haaaaaa. kenape? toksah lah taw. kang ade yang terase pulak. haaaa. but, okay ape naik 5 orng. bule gatal2 dgn ady. bagi chin jeles. huahuahua :D
seram je nk dduk on Pole's lap. yela. mane taw patah ke en. ingt aku ni ringan ke. beraaaat taw. haha. aku siap tanye lagi Pole. urm. soalan yang sepatutnye lah. hehe.
kak Mariah, tuuu. Coach tu Ya dah pakai okay. banyak kali dah. this is the proof :)
overall, its super fuuun.
Malik, mira nk lepak dgn Malik lagi okay. syook. butoh pak hang. haha.
Ady, whenever theres me and Chin, theres always you. && I'm glad that you trust me, papi.
Chin, nnt pakai heels lagi taw. takpe takpe. aku teman kan kau. haha
Pole, nnt kite main make up same2 keh :DD
oooh. I loove my heeels. mcm cantik pulak. haha. its oraaange :P
p/s : visit Ady's blog. more details I think ;
November 23, 2008
November 22, 2008
nowadays, I tend to get pissed off soooo easily.
nowadays, I ate a loooot.
nowadays, I always thought over silly things.
nowadays, my chest feel hurt whenever I hunch it.
nowadays, I dont mingle well with my friends.
nowadays, I only feel happy when I'm with my family.
nowadays, I become super lazy.
nowadays, I online almost all the time.
nowadays, I dont have the feeling of shopping.
nowadays, I felt stupid when I thought about my past.
nowadays, I dont have the mood to bake.
nowadays, I feel that I need to be loved.
November 21, 2008
i did go for dress hunting.
i did buy one for the prom.
i want to update, but theres no picture.
hellllloooo, tade feel okay update tade gambar.
chin, gambar tu buat pekasam.
aku tahengen.
November 20, 2008
tolong jangan buat lawak bodo.
memang kene maki dengan aku.
maximum impact
anyway, our seat is 3 rows from the stage and we're loving it. haha. best oh dduk depan2. tak soka okay dduk blakang2, tade feeel. the thing is, the night that we came tu mcm ade this one rombongan yg tade ticket taw. tataw la knpe, mybe their tickets are sponsored kott. I think la. so, they let all the audience with buying ticket sat at the front row, so orng2 yg tade ticket tu kne la dduk blakang. hehe. its quite tak aci la kan, but what to do. dh dpt dduk depan ni pon, kire bersyukor yg amat dah. hehhe.
layan dlu pic before theatre start :)
in the hall, of course la no picture kan. even my phone ade msej pon, nk chck and rply pon orng tu dh suluh2 dgn red light. vavik je en.
deeeemn. security dia sgt la tak syok okay. mcm peeeeergh. geram siot. dh la tmpt cast tu jauh, nak ambik gmbr pon ssh. thn whn kite move our body forward, guard tu marah. ekelleh. kau ingt aku punye camera ni SLR ke, bule zoom in 40kaki. boddddoh. kire mmg nk amik gmbr ssh giler taw. security tu segala nye tabule. like helllooo, sape je pon manusia2 ni. lain la Tok Ti ke, Michelle Yeoh ke, Anuar Ibrahim ke. ye la kau nk secure segala bagai, ini. stakat zulhuzaimy, dynas, dina, zarina. wadefak maaan. ntah ape2 je. thn, guard tu bule buat annoucement, kate photography session is after that, tp nan adoo. nasib la kak Leen aku snap kn jgk gmbr nyeee. autograph session was like 10mins, then sume blah. siap ade guard escort kau. mengade. haha
Dynas mmg sgt la cantik dan tinggiii. hehhe. dgr cite dia dh pregnant kan? waaah. congratulation :))Dina Malaysian Idol. part dia in the play mmg sgt best taw. mak soooka nok. haha. dia partner dgn laki named, Amzar I think, in the play lah. && laki yg dlm group Fabulous Cats tu, bkn Cat Farish, the other guy tu en. deeeeemn. sumpah suara dia best gilos nak mampos. haha
so, all the crowds mmg tgg for the cast nk amik gmbr and whtsoever.
gheeee. kitorng nmpk David Teo taw, thn ingt la nk pi jmp dia. nk complain psl Lemon restaurant dia tu. haha. tp, tak berkesempatan okay. dia busyy je ckp2 dgn sape ntah. Grr
but one thing about this la en, theatre ni intro dia mmg gempak gilller. best ahh. ooh. mmg ade kereta drift ye dlm tu. haha. pusing2 kau.
Chin && Ady, jom arrr. hehhe
November 19, 2008
Aiman's concert ; part 2
comel gilos nak mampos. geraaaaaaaaaaaam :D
ooh. that cikgu Ana, the owner of the nursery. she's very nice :)
Aiman's concert ; part 1
ooh. look at me. Ashu yang setia okay. gagah kan diri jga pgi tgk ank buah kesayangan nye. woke up at 7.30am, pdahal I slept at 5am taw. thn hareeeeem tak tido lsng until 8pm sumtin, on malam nye, mmg aku bongkang habisan. hiks ;Pin time dia dpt like present la sbb dh complete his 5yrs old kindie
this one pulak sbb he got 3rd place in his class during final exam. yeeey :D
ooh. I was so amazed with all the little kids taw. one of the parents made a surprise to the teacher, by giving them present each. the girl tht holding the paper and the one wth pink tshrt besides her are soooo good in reading. both of them read wht their parents wrote in the paper. pandaaai sgt taw !
and the audiences were also amazed. everybody was like 'oooo. aaaa.waaaa.pandai nyee'. haha. eh, nmpk tht ade bdk bwk SLR. haha. tade jeles sgt sbb tu old version. hehe. nk sedab kan hti sendri.
okay, next :)