We reached home almost 7, lepak2 for a while and then we started baking. It was so so so fun ! and the result was great too, well, for an amatuer like us, I think it is considerate as an average great :D
The thing is, we baked this cupcakes for my bestfriend, Chin. At first, I wanted to order the cupcakes from Wondermilk but they denied my booking. They said that they already full on the date. Well, I was upset at first because, its my bestfriend 18th birthday, and thats a really big deal for her and besides cupcakes, I dont have anything else to give to her a present. gooosh. I had absolutely no idea what to give to her. So, I told Alia about it and she said she can bake the cupcakes for her. Its not her first time baking, so she's really quite good you know. Anywayy, thank you so much sayang, I owe you big this time :)
Anyway, I paste the photos here okayy. Have a great looking of jealousy at it :PWhen the cupcakes are finally bakes (thanx to the 2 of Alia's maid), its decorating time. We made the frosting icing, yeaa. the one that yang keras2 tu kan. I thought I wanted to make the regular icing but then Alia's didnt know how to do it. But I think this one is better because its is soo easy to handle with becaus ethe icing is keras, not ooeeey gooey type.
Looking at her made me feel so guilty ;( . So I deco some of the cupcakes by myself, just for her. I used chocalate insted of the frosting icing
Well, I really hope Chin will like the cupcakes. She had no idea that me and Alia baked the cupcakes. She thought that I ordered it. haha. I'm guessing that she will be really shocked to see it. haha.
2 extra blabbing on "thank you Ezan Alia <33"
sedap giler cuppies coklat tu...
betol ke Ya buat ?
ya dgn ezan laa. together okayy. sume orng tak percye :(
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