May 15, 2008

Aiman's Sports Day

blabbed by Amira Zafirah at 5/15/2008 01:27:00 AM
Aiman : Ashu,ashu. bangun la. kate nk pgi abang punye sukan

*tak jalan*

kak Nana : Ashuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. tanak bangun kee

*tak jalan*

Yana : (jerit) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

*celik mate. bangun terus*

haha. tataw la pukul bape mase tuh. I just woke up, gosok2 mate (eeeeee..mascara smlm ade lgi. remove make-up tak betol la ni. Grr ), grabbed towel and went straight to toilet. Dlm toilet tu, basuh muke, gosok gigi and kuar balek. hahaha. Aku tak mandi pon dowwww. :DD

Turun2 je, tgk mak letak nasi grg ats meja makan. tengok jam dh nk dekat pukul 8 a.m. haaaa. masih sempat lgi. teros pgi kt kak Leen, 'camera mane?'. 'ade dlm beg barney tuuh'. haaaaa. itu la duty aku for the day. jdi photographer. hahaha. tamaw la. photocatcher. chewaaaaah !

Anyway, last Sunday was Aiman's Sports Day. alaaa..kecil kecilan sje. buat pon dkt taman yg aku, Chin ngn Biha lepak tuu. (tataw. read previous entry yeh ). Lps sume nye dh siap2, kitorng pon kuar umah la. I bwk kete sendiri. cheeee.. ape kelas tumpang2 kete orng ni. haha. maklum lah. dkt giler baii dgn umah aku. smpai2 sne jee, ade dh la orng yg smpai. tp tak ramai sgt. Aiman ape lg, dh jmp member2 dia, mmg borak sakan la. kak Leen pon pgi dftar and tgg je laaa. so, the photocatcher pon warm up a bit lah :D
so, by the time tgg yg balance lg bdk2 dgn mak bpk nye nk smpai, cikgu2 ni pon ngumpol kan la bdk2 ni. biase la kids, nk suro diaorng line up pnye la ssh. elok2 la ckgu tu dh susun, slamber dek je bdk2 tuh jln sane sini. ckgu pon ssun la blik. haha. lawak baii. akiugelak2 je tgk. by the way, most of the parents and cikgu2 or the commitee members mcm pndang2 aku je. yela kan. busy sane sni dgn cam. msti diaorng heran. bdk ni ade ank ke kt nursery ni. tgk mcm mude jee. haha. ape kau kesah. sibok sibok. jgn ank mseng2 yeee :)
tunggu punya tunggu, akhirnye start jgk. oh. atok dgn opah nye pon dtg nengok cucu bersukan. Aiman team Pooh. aku tak pueh ati betol. diaorng ade team Pooh, Mickey dgn Spongebob. Aiman team Pooh pulak, patotnye Spongebob la, semangat sket aku nk besorak taw. ini tgj Pooh, lomah den. Pooh tak best la, very the sweet sgt gitu, I suke Spongebob, haaaa. bru best !

haha. ni plak mase perbarisan. chewaah. "you are the..BEST BEST BEST !"

haha. ayoyo. by the way, rupe2 nye, tuan punye tadika ni punye bpk mertua adalah orng kampung bpk aku. so ape lg, ate orng Perak ketemu orng Perak, mau nye deme borak sakan. haha. ape2 la. thn bfore the games start, the kids gathered again. they performed like a warm up or aerobic session bfre the games strt. they danced along the Aspalela song. haha. I did record the video but shit it takes forever to upload here so yeh. nxt entry la kott. Yana she jst danced along wth the children and she did almost get the spotlight taw. and after they finished, they wish their mother Happy Mothers Day. diaorng pon bg lah ape jadahnye ntah kt mak masing2. cheee..kak Leen pon mcm syok je la. ank2 nye dh besar kan, so this is like the first official mothers day for her la.

pndai diaorng cari port. depa duk nuuuu jauh sana

mak with her 2 daugthers. haha. mak eeeh. muka tara sinyum wooo

and finallly, the game started. dh mcm sukaneka je la. frst game is bwk small bean bag on top of the hear and jalan2 keliling cone. haha. klaka bonar aku tgk. ade bdk tu, bean bag tu tak letak lg dia dh jln dh. haha. ade jgk yg main tipu, tak pusing2 pon kt cone tu, pkai redah je. haha. the secnd game is masuk kan guli in the basket. haha. takde mane msok nye. tp ade jgk la yg msuk and the third one is perah sponge dlm botol. haha. sume fail. botol ntah mane. sponge pon ntah mane. haha :D

haha. bile the kids pnye games dah habis, its time for the mama's pulak. para2 ibu sekalian, mari mari. game snang je, the have to get things frm the list given to them, sape cpt, dia menang la. the things are wisel, bottle and ape ntah. sorry lupe. anyway, kak Leen kalah. haha. dpt hadiah saguhati je la eh. then whn the ibu2 finish their game, its break time. everybody pgi la mkn2 include us taww. lame jgk la break time ni. hri pon dh mcm strt pnas dh. si Aiman plak ntah kemane2 je dia. main sane sni. kehulu kehilir. aku plak dh jdi superviosr kt plyground. mak bpk bdk2 tu mne ntah, so aku pon alang2 dh jge si aiman tu en, jge la skali bdk2 lain. ade plak bdk ni dtg ngadu, ksut ketat la. ape lah. haha. lyn je la kan.

lpas dh break sume2 tuuh, its fathers time to shine. haha. si bapa2 yg tak seberapa ni pulak la nk main game. diaorng plak kene main mcm bowling la tp they used kelapa as the ball. then the pin pulak they used the plastic water bottle. anyway, abg Anip pnye takde ong. his team dpt very oval coconut so mmg ssh la nk bling. mmg tak kene pon kt bottle tuh. haha. kalah kalah.

then, whn ths game is over, theres another one. its a couple game. haha. ape name nye. kasih betaut. haha. alaaa. main baling2 water baloon. each time you throw and the water balloon didnt pecah, you need to move one step further from your partner. sape belon pecah meaning kasih bederai. haha. bodo betol. anyway, kak Leen and her hubby, abg Anip won this game. hoooooray ! gaaaaah. so much for the kasih betaut la kott. pffffttttt ! c(;

oh. thats her office mate, Yanti :)

aarrrgghhhhh. (pnjng duh entry ni. penaaaat).

so, lps sume2 ni dh hbes. bg hadiah time la. but bfre tht, bdk2 ni dpt can rebut2 gula gula. haha. punye lah syok. ade yg smpan dlm bju, si yana lg la, msuk dlm bntal. komplot ngn mak dia pulak tuh. haha. tak snonoh je en. and mase ni, atok dgn opah dh blek umah dh. nk tgk cucu lg sorang kt umah tu nk pgi keramat, umah nenek sane. tu yg diaorng blek dlu. aku cnfrm2 la tak leh blek en, photocather tuuuh. haha :D

haaa. thn ade la sesi2 bg hadiah. masing2 dpt la satu. haha. okay la en. better thn nothing. thn ble sume dh hbes aku mmg kemaruk giler nk blek. haha. panas baii. dgn aku yg tak mndi2 nye lg. dh la ngantok yg amat.oh tuhaaaan. si aiman pulak hilang ntah kemane. kne la pi crik2 kt plygrnd sne tuh. thn ble nk suro amek gmbr kt banner, hentam pulak pi gado ngn ayah nye. dh la sentap,. haha. tp aku takesaaah. aku nk blek. haha. photocacther mahu blek okayy. ape lgi, angkut brng lari pi msok kete la. smpai umah, teros tido. aaaaah. nikmat

bytheway, ptg tu pgi jsco balakong. haha. dgn Chin and mak tahu taw. haha. baik tu btaw mak, mntk permission la knon. wawawa. pdhal tkot tbe2 mak blek umah je tgk2 aku takde, maleh dh nk make up stories. haha. parking kt rooftop tuuh.
*cheeee. lantak la aku nk bangge dgn diri aku, ko sibok pehal*

bla bla bla. anyway, ini entry lame. its been in draft since monday night :P

today bru nk post. sorry. tade mood.

2 extra blabbing on "Aiman's Sports Day"

Anonymous said...

thank you for my dearest sister.... timakacih sanggup bangun pepagi... tok jadi photocather... very da good job..
luv u....

Amira Zafirah on May 15, 2008 at 11:04 AM said...

haha. anythng for you sissy <3

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