I reached home at like almost 4pm and I told Memy that I wanted to go to Chin's house. I cant stay at home cause I'll be definetly sleep like a pig. haha. I was damn sleepy cause I slept at 4-5am and I woke up at 8.30a.m dammn. haha. So, i better go at meet and my friends and lepak with them, so I wont be sleeping.
As I got in the car, I called Chin and said I wanted to go to her house but then, she begged me not to come. She is still sleeping. Whattheheck. She said she slept late last night and I'm like. oow. okay. So, I dont know why, but I end up went to Biha's house. OMG. haha. macam tak percaya je kan. I called her twice but she didnt pick up, so I just drove straight to her house. I know that she's at home, because she did told me before that she's free on that day.
I went there, chit chatted with her a bit then Chin text me, asked me to come over. I told her la kan I was at Biha's house. and she's like. huuuuuuh! ko buat ape kat sane? haha. and I'm like. ntah. hati aku terbukak pulak nk jumpe dia today. wawawa. :D Then she texted me to bring Biha to her house. lepak2 kt sane. I told Biha and she said okay. So. we went to Chin's house lah. Lepak2 a bit then they both told me that they're hungry. So i brought them to mamak. Memang lapar btol. Biha ate naan cheese, hbes dooww. teror ah ! haha. Then Chin told me, she wanted to buy some bread and asked me to go the the taman at my house to feed the fish. so, we went there.
It feels great you know, feels like the old time again, the time that we always hang out together. I am so so glad that I went to Biha's house. so, take a look at the picture peeps (:
I dont know why I just cant stop trying to get us back together, eventhough I'm tired because I didnt get a positive response from them but I am still trying. And those day had proved that we still can be like we used to be. Being apart for sometime will make you closer in the future.
7 extra blabbing on "back on track, maybe :)"
alar.. nk itot...
cantik nyer taman tu...
haha. kt umah kite jee. weekend ni bule la pgi keh :)
amira..syoknye ada kawan2 around kan??btol2..setuju sgt2..kadang2 bila jauh2 kan could make we getting more closer with our friends tau..agree sgt2..ehe..best btol laa taman nih...
yeaaa. even kitorng ni dduk dkt2 je, tp ssh benar nk jmp taw. msing2 busy je, lgi2 la si biha tu.
haaaa. taman ni mmg best giler and besaaar sgt :D
ye laa tman ni best...
btw biha tuh good looking r,chin xpyah ckp ler and the photograper u r coooool beb
haha. i'm cool? pffffft. haha.
well, biha. if tak good looking takkan la dpt msok tv :D
hey2...ur friend,biha..
is she mix?
mix with Caucasian is it?
she's lovely...
of course u too....
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