May 31, 2008
will you be here?
When no one is there for you
When you think no one cares
When the whole world walks out on you
When you think you're alone
When the one you care about most could care less about you
When the one you gave your heart to isn't
When someone throws something in your face
When the person you trusted betrays you
When the person you share all your memories with cant even remember your birthday
When all you need is a friend to listen to you whine
When all you need is someone to catch your tears
When your heart hurts so bad that you cant even breathe
When you just want to crawl up and die
When you start to cry
Or when hearing that sad song
When the tears just won't stop falling down
So you see I'll be there until the end
This is a promise I can makeIf you ever need me
Just give me a call and..
so, theres anyone who will always be there for me?
*eyes shut*
May 30, 2008
soulmate tu. hehe.
dh la amek gmbr dgn soulmate kau tu pkai baju hijau tuu.
upload kt myspc, caption soulmate.
kalu ye ponn, crik la bju lain. ni tak.
bju yg kau pkai mse kau declare dgn bekas bini kau a.k.a janda kau tu jgk la yg kau nak pakai.
alaaa.. tahengat ke sejarah baju tuuuh
takkan la tahengat kott.
kan tu bju yg kau pkai mse hri kite declare tuuuuh.
alaaa. yg kau pkai hijau, aku pkai hijau tuuuuuuh.
takkan la kau tahengat what happen mse hari kite declare tuuuuuuuh
daus siap tlong hntar aku balik tuuuuu.
hehe. aku takesah ko nk cam whoring dgn bini baru kau
tp kalo ye pon. hormat la sikit kt bju tuuu
kenangan kita berdua. PPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTT . hahahaha.
heee.. geli aku.
pastu ade plak picture gf bru kau.
ape caption nye. oh. she's the one.
meyh meyh. i wanted to be the first one to wish you.
semoge berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.
waaaah. selamat pengantin baru.
baaahaha. :D
p/s: ini entry lepas geram. hehe. eyyy. mulot diam. ni blog aku. sukatik aku lah.
Assalammualaikum :)
oh tidaaaaaaaaak
kisahnye semalam laaa, kitorang sume pgi Jusco Balakong, nak cri wedding present. biasa la kan. dh cuti2 skola ni, ramai bebenor orng kawin, kopak jgk la nk membeli present.
dengan itu, mmg terbukti lah. Nantan mmg telah melalukan kes sumbang mahram.
adik dia pon pregnant taw. kitorng dh agk dh, sbb mse tu mmg si Nantan ni mengawan giler babeng punye. smpai DikBu dgn Shasha pon dia nk kerjekan jgk. humph. DikBu tu bule dimaafkan lgi la, cause muda lg in, ini si Shahsa, mak cik tu dh tua taw. giler betol la Nantan ni
May 29, 2008
in flight II
Melbourne-Kuala Lumpur
Depart at 3.30pm (Melbourne time) Arrived at 8.16pm (KL time)
oh. and bla bla bla. I did the usual thing, watched movies, listen to music/mp3
I slept. haha. like really slept. the seats beside me are empty, 3 seats empty. haha. I lie down and slept :D
(can you imagine all the flight attendents saw me sleeping? haha.)
May 28, 2008
in flight
how I miss Aussie, how I miss kak Maria, how I miss cik Enon, how I miss the all the excitement when I was there.
I miss the Aussie accent, all the shops by the road. goooosh. I wish I could go there again.
anyway, I decided I wanted to blog about what I did during my flight :)
March 19th, 2008
Kuala Lumpur -Melbourne
Depart at 9.35pm (KL time) Arrived at 8.20am (Melbourne time)
later, we had magnum ice cream. ooow. naik flight MAS kan. syok la. haha. ni baru economy, belom business lg :D
my tummy was so fulled and I decided to watched movie, Juno. best best best :D
then, I watched Impak Maksima. what? support local industry lah :P
and this lady havent stop reading, as far as I noticed lah
meet..erk. I forgot her name. haha. sorry. anyway, she's the one that served us. She even asked me whether my hair is real. whattheheck. I replied by saying "yea, you think i'm wearing a wig?" and she's like "yeaa. !" haha. tagune betol. I'm not a drag queen.
haha. that is what I played. whatl aku terror baii :P
listening from song to songs, I made my own playlist and after this, I fell asleep for awhile :)
look at the time, the watch it still in KL time
May 26, 2008
May 22, 2008
cheap asshole
and I dont know whether I should blog about it or not.
maybe I should. HA HA HA :D
haaaa. meyh sini.
perempuan A : Milah
perempuan B : Jenab
lelaki A : Atan
lelaki B : Jamil
waaah !
alkisahnyeee, si Milah ni dulu bepasangan la dgn si Atan, cintan cinton benar tawww. lps tuuu, mase si Milah dgn Atan ni berpasangan, si Jenab dgn Jamil pon same jugak. Mereke ber-4 ni mmg la rapat. tp, si Jamil ni mcm tak suke si Milah ni berpasangan dgn Atan, dia kate, Atan ni tak bule nk bahgia kan si Milah. top top, Atan, Jamil dengan Milah bergado lah pulak. tp tak lame taw, ate Milah ni pompuan kan, hati nye lembut, dia pon baik2 la dgn si Jamil ni balik, even Jamil ni mcm tikam2 belakang la jgk.
tapiiiiii, si Atan ni tak puas hati Milah dah baik dgn Jamil taw. Atan bg warning kt Milah, if Milah ni baik baik SANGAT dgn Jamil, Atan nk putus hubungan. kirenye, semasa Milah dgn Atan ni bersama2 dulu, Atan ni mmg anti betol lah dgn Jamil. mmg kutok2 tak ingat punye lah. tp Milah ni tanak la gado2 kan, sejokkn la jgk hati si Atan ni.
tp, si Milah ni pgi la pulak buat hal. hal bodo jgk la. Milah pgi mengaku dkt Atan yg dia dh baik balik dgn si Jamil. Atan ape lg, mengamok lah ! teros la si Milah dgn Atan ni putus hubungan. kesian Milah, hancur luluh lebur hatinya. tp Milah ni heran jgk, takkan la sbb bodo mcm tu Atan nk putus hubungan kan. ni msti ade sbb lain, huwmm..Milah mmg taw Atan ade pompuan lain, tp Mila percaya sgt kt Atan (bodo betol Milah ni taw). Milah ni percaya benar yg Atan ni sayang sgt kt dia
lepas tuu kan, bile dah lame lame lame, Milah dgn Atan ni punya krisis jadi mkin terok. akhirnya, Milah dgn Atan putus kawan ! waaaah. dahsyat betol. bertambah lebur la hati si Milah ni.
nak dijadikan cite, si Milah ni sembang2 la dgn si Jenab. mulenye, si Jenab la, tanye kt Milah psl si Jamil. oooh. Jenab dgn Jamil pun dh putus hubungan jgk, si Jamil ade pompuan lain. tp kes Jenab ni pulak, Jamil ni terok sikit, bila dia susah2 bru la nk cri si Jenab, mintak tlong. Milah pon ckp la dgn Jenab, sudah2 la tuuh. si Jamil ni dh mcm nk ambik kesempatan je dkt Jenab kan. lg pon, si Milah dgn Jamil ni kan kwn baik jgk, tp sejak dua menjak ni, dh 3minggu si Jamil ni tak tegor si Milah, kecik la jgk hati Milah gamak nyee.
sembang punye sembang punye sembang la kan si Milah dgn Jenab ni, kuar la pulak cite. si Atan dgn Jamil dh jadi kawan baik. ape lg, sawan babi si Milah ni pon menjadi lah. geram betol si Milah, yela kan. dlu bkn main lg si Atan ni ngutok Jamil, siap putus hubungan dgn Milah sbb si Milah ni baik dgn Jamil and sekarang, Atan pulak baik2 dgn Jamil. tak gune betol kaaan. tu la si Milah ni baru sedar ( takde la bru mne, dh mmg agk dh pon) nmpk sgt la si Atan ni mmg nak putus hubungan dgn si Milah, tp takde alasan yg kukuh, dan2 la pulak mse ni Milah buat hal, mmg bule jd alasan la kan. haha. tak gune ko Atan. dasar jantan jalang.
-yang ni sume off the blog yeh. ade unsur2 seks, kate2 yg tidak sopan, sgt2 la personal. harap maklum :D-
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh. geram giler bai.
tak gune ko Atan, jantan tak gune betol.
bak kate si Alia kan. si Atan dgn Jamil ni cheap assholes.
baaahahaha :D
May 21, 2008
May 20, 2008
supposed to be Shortbread Tarts with Cream and Fruit

May 18, 2008
ice ice baby :D

selepas selesai bersantap, kmi pon berjalan2 lah. and and and. haaa. this is the best part. meyh meyh. tgk gmbr dlu eh :D
haha. manyak syiooook woooo ! Me and Daniel was fucking excited to ice skating tp Chin tanak. tp ape kitorng kesah en, pakse jgk laaaa. haha.kesian dia. tgk muke dia mcm dh nk nangis je taw. anyway, you need to pay RM18 je, and you can skate as long as you want, yes, dr tmpt tu bkk smpai tmpt tu ttop pon takpe taww. then for those yang tak bwk socks you can buy instantly at RM5, which is consider as mahal cause socks nye nipis la bagai, RM2 pon bule taaww and then you need to buy the gloves for RM8. gloves msti kene pkai jgk. so sape yg takde, you need to buy it lah.
We're lucky cause eventhough its Saturday, theres not many people taw (maybe sbb tgh bulan kott. orng tade duit daah. haha :D) at frst, kitorng pon pakse2 la Chin ni kan, punye la ssh nye nk bg dia msok kt ice court tuuh. ponek dah eden dgn Daniel menunggu. pakse2 jgk. thn bile dia msok kt dlm tu, dh mcm tanak gerak dah. haha.chill la babe. dia asek la berpaut kt tepi2 tu en, thn me and daniel told her jgn la tepi sgt. yelaaa. kt tepi kan ice tu mcm dh cair, so mcm byk air thn mkin licin la kaaan. haish. bwk la dia ketengah sket. we did a whole round of the ice court tapiii mse dh about half of the court, Chin ni mcm nk jtoh taw. then me and Daniel was really trying not to make her fall but I fell instead. siot betol. skit bontot aku. haha. sia2 pulak suar aku basaah. waaa. tp takpe, I laughed like hell, sumpah aku tak malu. haha. lantak la orng nmpk pon. I dont care. haha. thn Chin ckp she will only skates for only one whole round of the court thn dia nk msok. shit laaa. Dia tanak main pulak. kitorng pjok2 pakse2 pon dia tanak jgk. thn fine. tinggal la aku dgn Daniel. haha. we rock the ice court. chewaaah. tp kitorng baik, main jap2 thn kuar blek. lpk2 dgn Chin , lgi pon lenguh kaan.
lps dh puas bergambar, me and Daniel, msok blek dlm ice court. haha. skate and skate. kitorng skate siap pegang2 tgn lgi tuuuh. waaaaah ! haha. ckp la boyfriend ke ape ke, sumpah aku takesah. kan Daniel kaaaaaaaaan ? :D lgi pon , ble skate berdua, rse cnfdnt sket, snang nk balance, ble sket sorang2. haaa. rse mcm nk jtoh je. ayoyo.
tp kan tp kan, I fell off again. haha. its Daniel fault taw.(haha. skati je blame ko kaan. pffftt !) He hold my hand so tight, konon la nk bwk la, mcm nk lead, dia skateeee je, pdahal aku yg kt blakang yg dia tarik ni, punye la byk halangan dan cabaran. waaaah ! merepek sggh, dh la, aku jatuh okay. and again, I tara malu woooo. wa gelak gelak besar2 punye tp kan, tbe2 unexpected orng tlong aku bgn. haha. unexpected ape nyee, orng ice rink ni, nmpk aku jtoh bergegas tlong aku. yelaaa, nk diri kan ssh en. hehe. suke. dia tnye, " you okay?" then I'm like, "yeaa, I'm okay". haha. takpe. takesaah. skate lgiiiiii *weeeeeeeee
then, skate and skate and skate. baaaam. jatoh lagi. haha. total tripped off are 3 times. haha. ye ye. and dipersilakan untuk bergelak sakan. wa tara hal punye laaaah. tp en, yg 3rd time jtoh la plng best. dh jtoh en, then I slide on the ice. haha. ape lgii. gelak besar lgi la aku. hahaha. and again, another guy from the ice rink helped me to get up.waaaah ! another guy pulak. che che che. disebabkan sluar aku bsg kuyup, kene la kuar from the ice court, pgi la kt Chin and suro dia tlong perahkan sluar aku yg bsh kuyop. haha. then, si Daniel buat stupid theory pulak, he said nape ble aku jatoh je, cpat je orng2 ice rink ni tlong aku.mcm tau2 je. haha. ngok la ko ni Daniel, dia dh nmpk aku tegegar2 dkt stu, mst dh bule agk nye la yg aku nk jtoh. ape daaa. (cheee. cover line je en) thn ble suar dh kering sket, msok blek dlm ice court. haha. tak give up lg ni. nk main jgk, bru je nk strt main, orng kt stu buat announcement pulak suroh kuar frm the ice court. they need to uwmm..errrr,.. I dunno the exact word, but its like they wanted to move away the water on the ice. haaa. cecamtu la. haaaa. whatever. sape2 yg pnah ice skating, taw la en :P and as usual, camwhoring is what we good at :D

when the thing that they did on the ice court is finally done, we skate again. haha. kali ni mmg tara jatuh okayyyy. Daniel la, he almost jatoh taw like byk2 kali, but he managed to control his body. ceit. how I wish I can look at you whn you fall off. HA HA HA HA :DDD pastu Chin dh bsing2, haha. yela. msti la dia bosan en, ddok je kt tepi tuuh. haa. tu la. sape sroh gatal tanak main. dh la aku blanje. sabe je la. the she said, pkol 5pm gerak. haha. okay okay. ape2 la. jnji aku dgn Daniel dh skate mcm pro2 gitu. cheeeee... sukeee !
haaaa. when the clock finally strike 5pm, we made our move. ooooow. bye bye ice skating. next time I dtg lg tawww :))
pstu jln2 kejap je, Chin pgi brator pgi J.Co Donut, suke btol dia mkn bende tu taw, thn jln2 some more and finally balik. Aku tanak round2, wat skit hti je. bkn nye bule shopping, tade duet dh tawww. waaaa. tapi takpe. at least I had fun ! and its worth moooooore than shopping taww.
mlm drive pgi umah Alia pulak. sleepover at her house, we're baking again. tp mcm tak jdi je. sedih taww :(