This is Ariff Aiman generally knowned as Eman or Abang
(tp Yana pnggil Aban :p) When he was a baby, he had a sleeping trouble. His mother (kak Leen) was fed-up with him. Why? Eman ni tido tanak baring !. haha . bayangkan la. dia tido duduk taw. Mama dia pun mls nk lyn so Ashu nye la yang pegang dia. Eman ni mmg hyper active && kepale batu. degl mmg la degil en tp si Eman ni if dia lnggar dinding ke. tehantuk kt meja ke, dia cm steady je. kite plak yg mcm risau. ye la kan. mane la taw kot2 ade internal bleeding ke. ape ke en. tp di a relax je. Eman ni very sweet, very sensitive, very emosional. btol. if kitorng cam ckp2 bnd yg sedih en. Eman mesti nangis taw. even mse raya pon. yg part salam2 mntk ampun, msti dia nangis bagai. but I think en. dia mcm aku la. coz aku ingt lg mse aku kecik2 en, bile part salam2 mntak ampun tuh. I'll be crying like hell. haha. byk benar dosa nyee. Overall, Eman is very smart boy just a bit lazy, I mean biase la kan. sape la yg tak lazy. one thing about Eman, dont force him to do anything, biarkanlah dia buat something dgn real hatinya. jgn pakse2. kang fuuuuyh. mulot dia. dahsyat you :D
And lastly, our new baby, Aunie Hazeyah. ow ow ow ow eventhough she is not fair
(unlike her two cousins yg sgt2 la fair) but she had this one look. ape eh. muke dia mcm manis giler. mcm sweeeeeeet sgt taw ! mmg geram giler la. she doesnt get along wth her Mak Long (a.k.a kak Leen)haha. sbb si mak long ni suke sgt tepok2. cubit2 dia taw. yela. dh geram sgt la. sheee...bad mak long bad. so. whenever mak long pgg dia. it wont last longer la . msti dia cry cry pnya maaa. and oh! I called her Oni. yg lain2 pngil dia hazi lah. ape lah. mcm2 name la but yg plng slalu gune is Oni. I'm her babysitter. after I'm done wth my SPM exam, so I decided that I wanna took care of her. yela. I cant go to work coz my parents wont let me, instead I'd be a babysitter. it was fun at first. yela. she's a baby. tak byk ragam kn. but when she started getting bigger. haiyoo. mcm2 ragam la plak. asek nk bedokong la. nk tatap je muke kita plak la. mcm2 la. yg rjen melyan dia is her Opah. kalo Ashu. ahah! no wayyy. malas la. dh susu, dh salin pmpers. baring la ko dpn tv. tgk MTV keh. haha. bad influence. i know i know. ptg2 bwk pegi jln. mcm tu je la. &&&&& she is the first baby that I washed the poop okay. you know what poop is kan. ayoooo. berak lah ngek! ceit. haha. I hve promised myself that I wont be washing baby's poop unless the baby is coming out from my own vagina. haha. amik kaww. skali terdesak daa. tepkase jgk aku bsuh. waaaaa. the smelll. mmg la PURE. haha:D but nevertheless. she is such a great baby. diam je. jarang la nk merengek2 ni.
hoooo. nevertheless. I LOVE THEM ! takesah la. no matter how annoying they are. how hyper they are or how whatever they are, I STILL LOVE THEM ! dont you ever mess with them. dont you dare. mess with them, thn you mess with me. chewaaah, warning konon. wawawa
2 extra blabbing on "A Boy & Two Girls"
we love u too ashu!! dulu masa ashu kecik.. mama tau yg jaga ashu..btw.. aban next mon 5hn lar...
abih lar sume dia citer kt org!!
echewaaaah. cite pon your ank2 jgk kaaan.
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