October 28, 2008

so, thank you :)

blabbed by Amira Zafirah at 10/28/2008 02:09:00 PM
This entry is dedicated to all of my friends that came to my house on the day.
a big THANK YOU and appreciation from me to all of you.

especially to all my collegemate that came all the way from Bangi,
Wawa, thanx so much sbb bwk diaorng sume dtg naik ramai2 dlm ur ANG-SER *Unser. hehhe*
and Abg Long, yang balik kmpg ambik kereta, semata2 nk dtg my hse *echeeeh. konon, pdahal mmg tht day byk open hse. eh. biar la aku nk prasan important kejap. haha.* ooh, Mira taw, abg Long mmg syg lebih kt Mira en. HA HA HA. statement tabule blaaah :D
and also to Daniel, Sharul, Amy, Uda and Farah that came. Thank you, sorry la tadapat nak layan sgt okay, gmbr korang pun mcm tade je. tu lah. malu sangat. sekeh kang baru taw. haha.

huwm. sape lagi eh kawan aku

ooh. Farahin and Farhah, thank a lot.

and Biha, not too forget. even datang lambat giler, tp takpe la, asal kan adoo. haha. and sorry if I was like acting super awkward towards you, or ape2 je lah. I'm sorry, I dont even realised it by myself. hehhe. mix feeling meyh mase tu, dgn nak cover2 maintain lagi, ssh bai. haha.

Pole, deeeeemn. THANK A LOT dude for coming, even dh mlm and I was like, tapayah la dtg or whatsoever, but still you came and we even lepaked at mamak for a while. and yes, I admit, we're like lain macam je kan, nak borak pun mcm, aiyoo. tataw nk ckp ape. last2 buat gado je balik. kau perli aku, aku perli kau. and thanx a lot jgk la sbb cover kan aku biler mak tanye si QAYYUM mane. haha. sumpah aku speechless, penat kott aku nk jwb soalan tu, dh mak baba tunggu korang datang je. luckily you showed up, kalau tak, jenuh la aku nak cover line. hehe. thanx a lot dude :B
*picture Pole dlm cam kak Leen, which I dont know where. haha. muke Pole lain dow, tak cute dah. hehe :P*

Dann and Jaja, korang dtg awal. yeeey. mak sokaaa nok. tp mak tak sookaa sbb korang balik awal, nyampah taw. tak sokaaa. haha. and thanx a lot jgk sbb bwk Ady. hrp kn si Chin, of all the day, hari tu jgk la nak ke workshop. haha. sabau je lah :D

thanx to Chin too sbb jdi driver that day, pgi amik Farah sume en, then kau hntar sape lg eh? aku pun dh lupe. haha. sape2 je lah. thanx banget doong. ILY bebeh :D
and last but not least,

the photographer *echeeeh* haha.
you did such a great job that day, my families were impressed with your work and they like you, so okay la. next time jangan takot dgn mak lg okay, mak kate dia tak makan orang pun. haha. Thanx Ady, I owe you big this time. Nnt I blanje you shesha kt lecka lecka. haha. konooon :D
photographer kemut. haha. Ady jahat ooh. gambar en dia dh filter dlu, this is the only pic of me and him that he gave. kejam oooh. haha
dia tinggi sbb pakai wedges okay, kitorang flops je taw. ceit. haha
oh. another Ady. haha

the lovely Jaja with Chin

and Dann, the bapak hayam. haha. do visit his blog at dannkepoh

thats all for the open house.

thank you for reading

p/s : entry ni dh mcm entry thank you en. haha. byk betol thank you :D

1 extra blabbing on "so, thank you :)"

Najib Ariyan Ali Basha on November 2, 2008 at 11:30 PM said...

Ehhh cantik gambo... ini DSLR, sapa punya?? Mira dah ada dslr yer??

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