selamat pagi cikgu *intonasi adalah seperti intan payung dlm cite Upin Ipin tu. haha
confident habis je korang bace ni time pagi pagi kan, hahaha. takpelah. tak pagi pon korang ngaku je la pagi ye.
currently the time is 4.03 am, and Goodnight Goodnight by Marroon 5 is playing on my iTunes. see, even iTunes pon suro aku tidoo. haha. lek luu, update blog dlu doww. haha.
well, I went to Youth'10 (:
last year pon I went jugak, korang pi cari sendiri la eh entry tu. malas la nak menengok, membelek archive. malas nak bace entry lame, mengimbau kenangan sangat taw. menyampah, menyampah. hahaha.
so, kn ade search engine kt sebelah ni haa, korang type je Youth, nnt ade le kluar list of entry nye. okay tawan tawan? good girl. haha.
gerak dari rumah pon dah petang dah sbb at noon pegi wedding dkt Shah Alam. sedara belah mak, and nak dijadikan cerita, bule pulak jumpe si Pinography. alaaa, photographer yang gambar gempak gile tuh. haaa, jumpe dia kat situ. dia jadi photographer wedding tu. betuah nyee la hai pengantin tu. confirm la gambar semua cantik cantik belako :p
eh, ape. cite pasal Youth kan. haaaa, nak cite la ni.
gerak dari rumah pon like almost 4pm dah. then pick up Chin dekat rumah. ehems, Ady nan adooo yeeee. dia ke JB. kalau dia ade kt KL ni, might be goin with him. dia tiada di KL, maka nya tidak la pergi dgn dia, okay? harap very the maklum.
haa, part ni gempak sikit ni. hehe.
i called baba taw mase tu sbb dia tade kat rumah. so, nk bgtaw dia la kan yg nak keluar semua. pastu cakap la dgn dia, mintak permission nak balik malam,before 9pm.
and and and and and,
baba cakap okayyyy. tade bising poooooooooooooon, tade nak marah marah pooooooooon, tade nak bebel bebel pooooooon, tade nak tengking tengking pooooooooon. dasyat gile kot !
sumpah aku tekejot gileeee. hahahahaha. macam tak sangke sangat. maybe baba dah bule face the fact kot yang anak dia will turn 20 years old this year and she deserved a little bit of freedom. cheyyy, agak nye laa. tak pon he noticed i've been a major good girl, so he said okay je lah.
hahaha, takesah la apa apa. but, alhamdulillah. harapnye berkekalan lah ye mcm ni :)
tengah ontheway ke PWTC, Dann was texting texting dgn Chin, so Chin pon ajak la Dann sekali and he said okay. so, singgah la ke rumah dia, amik dia skali, then we head on straight to PWTC.
parked the rooftop, building opposite PWTC tu, agak jauh jugak la menapak. sabaaau je lah.
waiting for Dann
here we are (:
since me and Chin didnt register online, so we had to pay rm5 for the 3 days ticket. kitorang dtg on second day, kire frst day punye tckt dh burned gitu je lah. alaa, ape ape je la. rm5 je kot. bayauu je lah.
jalan jalan jalan jalan, sampai le ke tempat nyeee. met our friend, Mel for a while. he's there too and his friend ade bukak booth jual baju. met Phesza also, my dope teacher. hahaha. sadly, our picture is not with me, ade dkt boyf Phesza kottt. and belom dapat lagi, masih menunggu.
overall Youth '10 was okay la, bit better than last year but i still find it boring. nothing much to do lah. ape yang diaorng kate best pon aku tataw. hahaha. maybe this whole thing is not really my thing or maybe i'm just old for it.
okay, lets just say this whole thing is not really my thing, forget the whole old thingy. haha. lol
heres some pictures taken.
pucat muke kau nyah
ntah hape yang happy pon tataw. haha
didgeridoo, aww. teringat Sydney
si extra debab and debab. haha
graffiti competition
pesana khidmat masyarakat ;p
dancing session oleh kanak kanak ribena. haha
nice cuppies, jealous.
the shopping section
the only picture of me and Dann
then, we naik atas.
tengok view bawah
then, we turun bawah.
hahaha. tu je. then teros balik. hahaha. tade beli ape pon, tengok tengok gitu jeee. tengok orang ade lah. hahaha.
since i still got few hours to be wasted, and my other friend, Amer was busy texting and wanted to see me. we decided to head on to none other than my second home, Pavilion. HAHA
had dinner and drinking sesh at Mdm. Kwan. i dont know why i love Kwan so much. hahaha. its just, ntah, i like it. sagu dia sedab betol lah. hahaha. borak borak bagai semua.
Dann with his mushroom chicken rice, that looks like a tits. hahaa
then, while waiting for my friend, Amer, i bumped with Fiqa. aawww, i miss this babe so very the much. no picture, haih. so sad.
Amer came, we talked talked, gossip gossip, then head on to see Kobain at his workplace.
talked talked some more, gossips gossips some more.
done with all of it, we head on.
send Dann, send Chin and then i'm home.
right before 9pm
yeaay :D