today, masing masing bertekak.
last week doc amik Yana punye sample air dkt area pelvic, and tomorrow pulak. doc nk amik sample air sum sum tulang.
so, now dkt hosp ade 2 group
; agree
; disagreee.
mmg sungguh clise la kan. amik sample air sum sum tulang, confirm nanti paralysed, WTF.
bende sekarang, Yana is a kid. so, tulang belakang dia tu tak sampai bawah lagi, unlike the adults la. so, insyaallah, dia takkan paralysed.
our family mmg totally agree with it lah. takpe. sbb kalau tak amik, mmg smpai kiamat pon, we will never know how bad Yana's condition is.
motif amik air tu pon sbb nk taw whether virus tu dh effect brain or not.
abd Anip and his family disagree with it. nak tunggu.
tell me, tunggu sampai bile?
fine. theres other option. okay. mane?
kalau ade option lain, then you need to act fast. teros buat whatever it is pon.
tadi, Yana punye platelets turun lagi. abg Anip tanak sign document approval.
kak Leen dh risau.
haih. susah la mcm ni.
td ade this one kakak, anak dia just 7months, and ade brain tumor.
she came to us, and told us her side of story.
family dia pon same lah, mmg tak kasi amik sample tu. tunggu punya tunggu punya tunggu.
in the end, anak dia jadi biru. faham? muka, bibir anak dia sume jadi biru. sbb doc mmg tabule nk buat ape lah sbb tak amik sample tu.
nk buat treatment pon tataw dosage medicine. then how?
baru la family dia tekedek2 cari doc, and ckp buat la ape yg patot.
so, diaorng pon nak Yana mcm tu jgk la.
tunggu muka dia jadi biru, tunggu dia pengsan?
nak macam tu.
tadi pon aku sempat bersuara.
aku cakap, this is the first time. so, biar doc amik sample tu. once dia dh detect, then we know effect ke tak. so, doc bule start treatment.
and kite pon dh bule strt jdi alternative lain, sbb we already know the exact effected area.
sample tu mmg kne amik byk kali.
first nak taw stage and nk taw whether effect brain ke tak.
then, first phase of chemo.
after that, amek sample lagi, nk confrim whether the chemo dh kills all the virus or not.
and so on lah.
so, the first one. pertama kali.
bagi la doc tu ambik.
haih. susah la mcm ni.
fikiran kolot.
orang lain leukimia jugak, amik sample jugak, chemo jgk.
okay je. alhamdulillah.
if something wrong, mmg dah takdir lah.
takkan la nnt something bad happen, bru nak regret.
baru rase ralat.
GOD. toloong lah.
berikan petunjuk.
aku mohon.
5 extra blabbing on "Day 7"
amek je lah dr sum sum tuh.
true jugak kan,
x sampai bawah, so wont paralyze.
*sigh* tell them it's the best way.
God is with your family, darl.
be strong
if there's no first step... there wont be any steps at all.....
hope that a.anip will realize that....
allah hai amira..
camner ek nak pujuk derang?
mcm mana pun, kita kena usaha sampai habis habisan.. sekurang2 nya kita x kan regret later on...
amira dia banyak2 k?
so mira
till today dah amik atau belum air tulang belakang tu??
ermmm mira cuba bawak a.anip discuss ngan doc face to face..kot2 dia pahammm
salam..amira I think that is the best solution. If i'm not mistaken, dlu de sorg sepupu cmni gak msa baby lg.. Doc amik air tulg blakg tuk ksn pnykit die. Till now, Alhamdulillah sepupu akak da ok..Syukur
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